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What's going on in Ukraine scares me, I hope Biden knows what he is doing, but I have my doubts. WAR SCARE: WILL RUSSIA INVADE UKRAINE? []

Druvius 8 Jan 25

Enjoy being online again!

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Russia, as they did with Syria, will respond. They will not initiate.
There will be a false flag attack by "militias controlled by Russia" (read CIA), the response will be planned over kill and Russia will respond.

puff Level 8 Jan 26, 2022

didn't you just post this. "The US has been crying wolf since 1945, and people still listen for some reason."

so is the u.s. crying wolf or not? you obviously have you're mind on this situation a lot. you have good reason.

Druvius hasn't revealed why he turns a blind eye to Russian misdeeds and presents Russian talking propaganda as history.

@racocn8 Because I'm older than 13 and know the "Russia bad, USA and Nato good" line is cold war propaganda. People who have internalized that as their world view are as immune to argument as Trumpers.

@Druvius Yes, I've seen how your posts are the epitome of nuance.

By all means, enlighten us with a list of your hero, Putin's, accomplishments.

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