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LINK Epidemiologist explains why Omicron is infecting more kids

"I don't think anybody wants to see their own kid struggling to breathe and having to be hospitalized," Anne O'Keefe says

OMAHA, Neb. —
The Douglas County Health Department's senior epidemiologist Anne O'Keefe said omicron and its subvariants are infecting youth more as the health department just reported its highest number of pediatric COVID-19 hospitalizations at 28.

"Is it alarming to see that number go up," KETV reporter Waverle Monroe asked O'Keefe.

"It is. I don't think anybody wants to see their own kid struggling to breathe and having to be hospitalized," she responded.

O'Keefe said more COVID-19 cases mean more chances for children to get omicron.

"It affects different parts of your lungs. It's not as low in your lungs it's higher in the airways. Young kids have smaller airways so it's going to affect them a little bit differently than adults," she said.

Pediatric COVID-19 cases are leading to other illnesses.

"Since the beginning of the pandemic we've had 100 kids at Children's that have been diagnosed with (multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children) and that is very scary and many of those kids need ICU care," she said.

O'Keefe said the newest variant, known scientifically as BA.2, could impact kids just as much.

"It has changed a little bit so we can detect it. We don't know how different it is from omicron but it seems to be the same," she said.

What does that mean for the youngest children who are not yet eligible for the vaccine? O'Keefe said the best way to keep them COVID-free is to get the shot yourself.

"Kids' immune systems are different. They have different doses to figure out," she said.

Vaccine trials are going on for youth five and under, though O'Keefe said it's too soon to tell when those will get approved.

HippieChick58 9 Jan 30

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It's infecting more kids partly, maybe hugely, because more schools are open so there's more chances for the kids to be exposed. The higher bronchial tube thingy sounds like nonsense, to me, but I'm not a Doctor. I just seem to know shit. Another thing I know is that this nation is pathetic. I know that because Obama did create an infectious virus response and it was praised. 45 shut it down almost as soon as he sat in that chair. Not enough Dems are mentioning that. So many have died but we might have been better prepared if 45 hadn't done that.


It sad so many assholes, world wide, are Choosing to ignore the science and data behind the covid vaxx..they should be herded together and dumped in make it or die..

Agree. Too much science is being ignored. Attempts under way to release the trial data. Modelling has not been accurate yet control methodology is still based on modelling.

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