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Took a bit of trip out in the bush yesterday with my old workmate from the Railways, Thommo, because he was going out to help his 32 year old grandson.
We went about 20 miles out, turned off on to a very damp dirt road, only to be expected considering it had been raining for the best part of week, went about another 3 miles and there was this 'pimped up' Landrover Defender stuck in a spot very familiar to me from my teen years, Black Snake wash-out.
In the back of Thommo's well used, Mitsubishi Triton I noticed the usual Tucker Boxes common to most Aussies who spend time in the bush, a roll of tarpaulin, 2 20 litre containers of water and a 20 litre fuel Jerry-can.
We arrived at the well and truly STRANDED vehicle, aka Pimp Wagon, got out and Thommo asked me help him unload the gear in the back.
While we were doing it over came this Grandson whom I had met a number times when he a whole lot younger.
Not offering to help, instead he asks, " Uncle Thommo, what are all these things for I just need a tow to get me out."
Thommo looks at me and gives a grin I had not seen since our days of working together, a grin that says with out words, Wait for it, it'll be a beauty.
He then turns, stone faced, to his grandson and says calmly, " I told you a hundred times dumb, stupid, idiotic, spoiled little Brat, you do NOT drive off the sealed roads out here once it has been raining, if you're wondering what all this shit is for, it is food water, fuel for your bitch mobile, blankets, shovel, dunny paper and batteries for a torch, you can stay right frigging here until the roads dry out ,then dig yourself out, we're heading back to town now."
Which we did and without letting him know that another 150+ yards away across the creek was the Homestead of the property he was stuck on.
Maybe, a very BIG maybe the Dill will actual learn something this time.

Triphid 9 Feb 1

Enjoy being online again!

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I had a Landrover a series 3. It never got stuck and once I did an impressive side slide into a tree while negotiating a patch of mud on a track. All I can say is either the Defenders were not built to the standard of the previous models or he is a crap driver.

Or you guys have really sticky mud.

Black Snake wash-out is mostly heavy orange-red clay that when wet sticks like shit to a blanket as for Deslie's Pimp mobile, well, I'd say that this would be the second or third time that it been driven on anything other than beach sand or sealed roads.
Given that yesterday was sunny and there was a bit of wind around the road out there should be dry enough by Friday afternoon or Saturday Morning.
Defenders are known out this way as "the vehicle of choice" for the Wannabe Off-roader that prefers NOT to drive off-road.

@Triphid Ugg clay mud is the worst, sticks to everything and gums up the works my mud puddle I slide through was just standard back mud and probably only about 40cm deep.

Sounds like he tried to go in fast and it just caught up with him.

@Budgie From what Thommo tells me he ONLY knows 2 speeds, Flat out and dead Slow, PLUS going onto a dirt track after 37 mls of rainfall is a Mug's game no matter how you put it.
Sadly Deslie was born and raised in the Big Smoke as a 'Latch Key Kid" with parents who are social climbers who gave him LOTS of Dollars but NO sense.


32 going on 5 huh?


And the local bunyip might cuddle up to him for warmth at night.

Or the local bunyip may have better taste.

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