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Christians hate being confronted with the shortcomings of their beliefs.


Reignmond 7 Feb 13

Enjoy being online again!

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Remind me… which group loves being confronted with the shortcomings of their beliefs?

skado Level 9 Feb 13, 2022

That was my thoughts just reading the title.

I wouldn't say that we Atheists "Love" the shortcomings of our beliefs, but we do embrace them.

The rare individual maybe, but on average, I haven’t seen the evidence to support that claim. Atheists like science just like Christians do - when it supports their beliefs.

Science is all about the unanswered questions and shortcomings of their beliefs.

It is, but it’s equally about the shortcomings of atheists beliefs. Science is useless to those who won’t use it.

Science is equally about the shortcomings of atheist's beliefs? What beliefs do atheists have? How do the 'shortcomings' in these 'beliefs' have relevance to science?

Atheists have as many beliefs as anyone else. The shortcomings of any belief are relevant to science. Example: Many atheists are convinced religion was invented as a scam to control people and take their money. There is no scientific or historical evidence to support this notion, but atheists, by and large, are unwilling to even look at the relevant science, let alone consider it.

@skado Well it is true that many new Atheists nowadays are very uncertain of their beliefs. They never had to face the critics and prejudice and down-right hatred that we old timers had to. Those times ensured that we really questioned every doubt and conviction.

As for "beliefs" in general, everyone has some level of conviction that their beliefs are correct and will hold on to them in the face of criticism. But with those of a Science inclination, there comes a point where you have what you can't deny as solid evidence...and then you have to abandon your conviction for a new philosophy.

I believed similar to what you’re saying before I joined this site. Now it appears to me that many atheists’ interest in science extends only far enough to release them from the chains of religious obligation, but are then just as resistant to science as anyone when it contradicts other beliefs.

@racocn8 Don't conflate Science with Atheism. They are two very different things. History shows there apears to have been "Doubters" (Atheists) as long as there have been religions. Science had nothing to do with it. You don't need to be very scientific to realize the religions have no useful answers about the way Reality works, and that even animals have codes of morality

@Reignmond I don't know what you're referencing in suggesting any conflation. Science does not use the concept of a god in its descriptions of physics or biology. Physics certainly has its mysteries and elements that resemble philosophy. Often, science presents a reality that discards various philosophies by corollary. Science also presents evolution which negates the foundations of Christianity.

@racocn8 science is all about knowledge... Religion is all about belief

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