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LINK Colombia Decriminalizes Abortion, Bolstering Trend Across Region

Latin America, stereotypically Catholic nations, are legalizing abortion, while the U.S., heavily influenced by Evangelicals, is beginning to criminalize it again. What the fuck is wrong with us, America?

Paul4747 8 Feb 24

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The pro life people only care about the baby being born, after that they don't give a damn what happens to the baby.

TRUE, 100% ever so TRUE and THEY think THEY are decent Human beings as well.
Well I have NEWS for them and it is ALL BAD.


3 Hearty and LOUD Cheers for the FREE-THINKING People of Colombia .


We allow religious nutjobs to make the laws... plain and simple. That's what is wrong with America. Places where they separate religion and good government make better laws.


I read this and what stands out fully to me is your last sentence. I ask it in my head also. What the fuck is wrong with us, America? Abortion is not a form of birth control. We have gotten so stupid that some areas are wanting to have a funeral for a miscarriage. All of this because men want control of a woman's body.


South America seems much more progressive than southern USA

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