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LINK How common are cardiovascular problems after COVID? : Shots - Health News : NPR

(This is a problem even for people who were healthy athletes of all ages with no history of heart problems before the pandemic.)

Robi Tamargo never worried much about her heart.

The 61-year-old had started running competitively in middle school, played Division 1 sports in college and kept up her exercise routine throughout her life, working out regularly at her local gym before work.

But that changed in the spring of 2020 — when she got COVID.

snytiger6 9 Mar 5

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Unfortunately very common along with long covid syndrome, neurological issues


Jim Fixx, the guy who popularized running, wrote the first book about it, and etc.died of a massive heart attack in his early-50's decades ago. "Congenital weakness" upon autopsy.
Why not blame that on Covid too, you idiot!!!

I thought the Jim Fixx autopsy showed his arteries were clogged up, due to cholesterol. That was when cholesterol because such a dietary concern, anyway.


I’ve had heart problems since I was 57. Life goes on until it doesn’t.

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