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NO cats caught in traps last night but heard Evangelidiot moaning and complaining about them being used in the neighbourhood and it is against Gods law for people to seek to trap feral cats simply to try and save the threatened Native species around the world.
Man, if was not for doing jail-time I'd glad give his hair a PERMANENT wave with a steel fence picket.

Triphid 9 Mar 11

Enjoy being online again!

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Does he think it was his "gods" law for people to bring invasive species to destroy native species? Is he born and raised in Australia or is he a transplant? Does he believe his "god" wants to destroy his home?
I he really that clueless?
Make me wish there was a prison for stupid people. Maybe there, he would be happy. 😉

Betty Level 8 Mar 11, 2022

As far as I am aware from his mother, born in Australia, an unplanned one at that btw, transplanted, curse them, to Broken Hill in efforts to rid themselves of him, yeah like we needed their garbage in our area, as we don't already have our fair share of them.
As to the feral cats destroying his home/house, imo, he is doing that for himself and now he has a young female pup that is kept inside for as many waking hours as there are in a day as well at night so when I went over there on Wednesday to negotiate a price, etc for an hours worth of gardening the odour of pup urine and uncollected faeces was overwhelming to say the very least.
Hence I made an anonymous report to the local R.S.P.C.A. yesterday morning from a public phone box.
Btw, imo opinion and gained from living next door him for 10 years now unfortunately I fully believe that in his warped mind, Everything is Gods Law UNLESS it impinges upon what he wants, decides and deems to be correct in his tiny warped mind that is.

@Triphid If you're lucky, maybe he will be charged with animal cruelty. Are the laws strict about that in your area?

@Triphid Thanks for reporting the pup I hate it when animals are abused. Poor thing it needs to be running around outside and FFS being house trained.


These types are sure chronic whiners, aren't they?

There should be a pill to cure that or a rehab center. 😉

@Betty Yes, got approx, at last count 375 of them, 7.69 mm German made cartridges for W.W. I German Mauser rifle PLUS the working rifle as well but I swore an oath to the gentleman who gave it to me that I would ONLY use it to shoot NOXIOUS pests and ONLY on Private Property/Properties where I have permission to do so.

@Triphid Tempting isn't it?

Agree 1,000%.

@Betty Sorely tempting at times but after seeing what a 7.69 mm Mauser bullet does to the head of a feral pig at a range of 200+ metres, I'd rather NOT pollute the town or neighbourhood with the garbage that is probably inside his skull.

@Triphid Goodness no, it might be contagious. 😉

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