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Democracy is under attack many places in the world. And yes, it's being attacked right here in the United States of America. The attackers are people who want to have an authoritarian "strong man" government. Most of them are Republicans.


mischl 8 Mar 12

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I believe you are correct.


"Strong man" is being confused with muscle or bullying. A strong man uses his mind to out maneuver his opponent with the fewest losses of pawns as possible. Out smarting the bully with cunning & fortitude. The conclusion of this latest incursion into democracy has yet to resolve. I fear my Ukrainian flag will become quite faded before this concludes.

I don't think there's confusion here. A "strong man autocracy" is a very well known term to describe what Russia has at the present time. It might have described the U.S. government at the present time if Trump had been reelected.

@mischl Saying “strong man autocracy” needs an irony warning. Putin is weak.


And these are the same morons who complain their freedom is being impaired by masks. They're OK with imposing theocracy on everyone else.


What's just as bad are the ones who don't care.

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