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LINK You WON'T Believe This Cruel New Law - YouTube

The disgusting part is that the lawmaker's arguments are based on what their god supposedly wants done and not anything to do with the health or welfare of either the woman or fetus.

redbai 8 Mar 22

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I'm not surprised. This is disgusting, but it is what the pro-birth people have been saying for some time. They wanted the fetus to have the same rights as the woman carrying it. It deminishes the woman to dangerous situations when a pregnancy goes wrong (like an ectopic pregnancy) and both the woman and the fetus die. So much for being pro-life.


Men want control over a woman's body. The idea originates back when women (and children) were considered the property of men. As late as the 1970's women could not have their own bank accounts without a husband's or father's being a signatory on the account. The autonomy of women in actual practice is a pretty recent idea in the U.S.

Republicans want to turn back the clocks and maintain as much control over women as they can.

In my personal view, because it is riskier to the life of a woman to carry a pregnancy to term than it is to abort a pregnancy, I think the decision to take on the additional risk to her own life, no matter how small that additional risk, should be left up the the woman, and not thrust upon her by law or government. That is a dividing line for me between the freedom of women, and the tyranny of men who want power over women.

I don't know any man who want control over a woman's body. I certainly don't, the thought never crossed my mind.

Perhaps the first sentene of your post is vastly over stated.

This is particularly true when when women are suddenly forced to carry the fetus of her rapust and/or molestor. And not only women, but any young girl who conceives would be subject to these abusive laws. The youngest girl I've heard of to conceive was 9 years old. She lived in Africa and lots a young girls (not 9 though) are married off and have babies before their bodies are mature enough to handle it.

@Alienbeing I should have said "insecure men" instead of just "men".

@snytiger6 OK, I'll agree with that.


Society is going backwards and the consequences will be dire.

Betty Level 8 Mar 22, 2022

It's like the Republicans made a party decision that 1950 was the ideal year for America and want to get us back to that no matter what the cost.

@Sgt_Spanky It may be what Trump meant when he made the slogan "Make America Great Again". Where men ruled and the women attended to household chores.

@Betty I've been 100% certain it's what that rickety old fossil meant. The R party is entirely populated by these old farts who think everything was so much better when they were young 150 years ago.

@Sgt_Spanky Every generation has its positives and negatives. This isn't one of them. We are human beings and should have equal respect. These laws give too much power to one demographic by oppressing the rights of another. I doubt it will stop there if nothing is done now.


Before (and After) Roe v. Wade: New Questions about Backlash
Yale Law Journal (Vol. 120, No. 8, JUNE 2011)

"We begin our story at a time [before Roe v. Wade] when more Republicans than Democrats supported abortion's decriminalization, when Catholics mobilized against abortion reform but evangelical Protestants did not, when feminists were only beginning to claim access to abortion as a right. We show how Republicans campaigning for Richard Nixon in 1972 took new positions on abortion to draw Catholics and social conservatives away from the Democratic Party. Evidence from the post-Roe period suggests that it was party realignment that helped escalate and shape conflict over Roe in the ensuing decades."



This shit just keeps on coming.

Pull up a chair folks and watch the Republicans in their ongoing efforts to unmake America by dismantling democracy, restricting voter rights, taking control of women's reproductive rights, and eventually installing a conservative authoritarian state and fundamentalist theocracy throughout the land. Ladies, please register your vaginas with the Federal Office of Reproduction.

Think I'm being alarmist? All of this has already begun. Look at the intrusive and anti-democratic laws being passed. If Trump is re-elected in 2024, it'll get fasttracked and we'll see it come to pass by 2030 or thereabouts.

RIP Democracy. It was fun while it lasted.

Couldn't agree more


Glad I don't live in a state like this, If I were a woman of child bearing age, in a state with a law like this, I would move.

The next law will say that you can't move across a state border, without a visa and permit.

@Fernapple Seems to be going that way, doesn't it. I have also seen videos saying that with the new 5G, we can be tracked anywhere, anytime even if we do not carry a device with us.

@Fernapple, @Sharpeward I agree, but you would be surprised at how well poor folks can move when motivated to do so. I witnessed this first hand on my mothers side of the family. They never acquire many possessions and therefore traveled light. They went where there was more work when they had to.

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