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LINK Lindsey Graham’s grilling of Ketanji Brown Jackson’s faith backfired

Lindsey Graham is such a twat. Surely even he knew that it was legitimate to ask Amy Coney Barrett if she could be impartial. It's why they wanted her on the Supreme Court. She wrote an argument claiming that judges of faith must recuse themselves from ruling in cases where the law is at odds with their personal religious belief. Honestly, that view alone should have disqualified Coney Barrett from sitting on any court, especially the Supreme Court.

OldMetalHead 9 Mar 24

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All in all, twats are not so bad....


I think judges whose faith conflicts with secular law should be recused from cases. How can we have anything near separation of church and state, if we have right wing nutters deciding cases based on their mythological horseshit….🤔


What the hell happened to the whole "no religious test" stuff?


Think this gesture was accidental?

Miss Lindsay is such a fucking C U Next Tuesday.

@KKGator I am too much of a gentlelman to ever use the C-word, but in his case, it couldn't happen to a more deserving carbon-based life form......, since I hesitate to call this twat human....


The entire course of Lindsey Graham’s line of questioning here is to resurrect old grievances against his fellow senators across the aisle. Regardless of the merits, Graham comes off as a shallow, tit-for-tat whiner whose rhetorical questions make the judge a mere “piece of furniture” for his grandstanding.


I can't wait to see Kate McKinnon on SNL doing her impersonation of this closet case....

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