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A five letter word. She made it through law school and passed the bar, followed by a legal career and she can't offer a definition for a five letter word that every third grader knows.

Silver1wun 7 Mar 24

Enjoy being online again!

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It is funny that Republicans and believers are forced to concentrate all their efforts on this ridiculous subject because Judge Jackson never molested anyone.

Look how many childishly ignorant memes have been posted about it in order to tell the ignorant what to think.

Thank all of you for your fanaticism. And, y'all know who you are.

The notion that some protectors of child exploitation and pornography haven't personally molested or otherwise abused anyone is high comedy. In order to produce the materials, children must be abused and exploited. Fostering propagation to economic advantages of exploiters only causes more of it.

The same people expressing that point of view are often the ones whining about how political and financial supporters of war are as criminal as those who commit the crimes against humanity.


@Silver1wun Memes appear to be the believers new Bible. The fanaticism in pushing those memes, just like "scripture," has revealed their desperation to becloud the issues and push their beliefs.

@nogod4me Two things to highlight for you.

  1. The category here is 'silly, random and fun'. That is why the post - cartoon - joke appears here.

@. As I've repeated variously: Fanatics totally lack a sense of humor. To that I would add: When a fanatic is able to demonstrate any humor at all, it is usually Sadistic or dark in quality.

Thanks for your assistance in making that illustration here.

@Silver1wun What proof do you have that "fanatics totally lack a sense of humor?" Some fanatics may be fanatical about humor.

@nogod4me Read the majority of comments here. If you disagree, you disagree. I have NOTHING to prove. This is a place for expressing opinions, not a court of law. Persuasion is the objective.


Oh, i had my tubes tied at 24, a full hysterectomy at 29, guess since I couldn't bear children I should have just offed myself instead of building (literally!) Nuclear Submarines

Find a microscope if the mirror isn't sufficient. You are female and nothing, no drug, no surgery, no synthesized hormones or misused pronouns can ever make you or any other female a male. At least the males who wish to declare themselves female by 'identity alone' were once female for a brief time.

If a person can modify the landscape and live a happy life without harming or destroying the lives of others, I'm all for them. It isn't too much to ask. Too many of the criminally insane and delusional are offered opportunities to commit crimes and abuse via such claims to allow full legal status as the other sex in public accommodations or athletic competition. Andy Kaufmann as the world's champion lady wrestler was a joke and meant to be. But that was another time.

If an archeologist dug you up 1000 years from now he would be able to determine if you were biologically a male or female. There is only 2 sexes. Some would argue gender is separate from sex and I would agree. But people out here nowadays trying to give birth and or breastfeed as a biological man, going that far is denying science.


Just because you're not bright enough to understand her answer, doesn't mean it wasn't valid. Perhaps it's time for you to abandon the game show circuit and crack a book for the first time since high school, way back when.

Your statement reveals a great deal more ignorance than that of which you accuse others. It is not possible for Psychology, imagine or orientation to permanently reverse or modify sex. Our sex is determined genetically, and we are permanently differentiated as male of female from about the 10th. week of internal gestation. Perhaps you are the one in need of some educating.

Here's a book for you and it's an anthology in case you suffer from short attention span: 'Female Erasure' edited by Ruth Barrett. It is pretty recent and thought provoking for those hypnotically if not fearfully lock stepping with the notion that men or women can actually change sexes. Many professionals contributed under 'names de plumes' in order to protect careers from being savaged by the fantasy science crowd.

Women have been struggling to overcome loss of parity in status along with their children for over 6,000 years. Just as some are making a little progress toward returning to it, along come some more males who want to prove they are even better than being women than women because of changes to their landscaping that require, like real landscaping, constant maintenance to keep Nature's hand from disclosing their untrained reality.

'Physician, heal thyself' was superb advice.

@Silver1wun You have nothing of value to say that warrants four paragraphs of my time, you racist, sexist, ignorant waste of skin.

@LovinLarge What you reply is, I agree, far more valuable to anyone wanting to 'see' new points of view and acquire otherwise censored knowledge. In our little theater you play your role well and I appreciate it more than you seem to know. Thank you.

@LovinLarge Oh, seems time to repeat something for you that applies to many people.

'The further a thought system is from reality, the more intolerance and cruelty are required to maintain it'. You don't have to take it from me. There are lots of ways to witness it talking with other kinds of ideological or theological Fundamentalists.

OH GEEZE! How could I forget the other principle??

Fanatics completely lack a sense of humor.

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