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Why are some posts marked as 'edited' even if they are very short?

TerryMoseley 4 Apr 24

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Thanks to all - I thought that it meant that it had been edited by the administrators, as can happen to a letter to the editor submitted to a newspaper!




My fingers are too damn fat for this small keypad on my Galaxy S8. I don't care how short my posts are. I inevitably have to go back and correct something.


The person posting might have just corrected a typo or something. Probably nothing to be concerned about.


Sometimes I miss a key or hit two at once


Yep, correctign typoos not noticed unti lafter posting




I make lots of typos and my computer makes words up, often I only realise as I click post. So I try and fix them.


Typos. After we read our posts, we realized we hit a wrong button.

Sometimes the written post doesn't give the impression we intended, and we decide to rewrite it.


Edited , means I posted it , reread it , and noticed I need to correct something . Sometimes , it's as simple , as what just , happened , the cat walked across the keyboard as I was typing . Sometimes , I intentionally capitalize a letter , and accidently capitalize the letter next to it as well . Or I may have typed a coma , when I meant to type a period .

What I'm wondering is if your cat types along with you and inserts a space before every comma? 😉

My vision is not the best . I put a space both before and after every punctuation , so I can see whether it's a ,[) or (


I have edited a lot of post because I hit submit before I noticed an autocorrect. Some of them have been short.

You do realize they were edited by their original author, right?

JimG Level 8 Apr 24, 2018

I don't know


My proofreading is always at its most efficient right after I hit submit.

vita Level 7 Apr 24, 2018

I just recently edited a very short response, because after I hit submit, I saw that I made a typo.

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