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This whole superyacht business seems sketchy to me. I looked up how many superyahts there are in the world and I got the answer of 8,749 afloat currently. How freaking hard is it to tell which belongs to whom? I'm thinking a decent detective with access to the pertinent databases would have little trouble identifying them. What say you?

FvckY0u 8 Mar 29

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Not that easy, since part of their reason for existing is not just as holiday homes, but mainly as ways of laundering money through movable solid assets, which are internationally free, and hiding who they belong to, is in part part of their purpose.

Having said that, I do think that a lot of the super-yacht fuss, is just gesture politics. In that they are not that important to their owners, and the owners may often not be especially strong supporters of Putin. But they do make good headlines, and while the press and public are distracted by the yachts, you can still, quietly, keep on doing business as usual and let the owners move their dirty money through your state banks, etc., with no questions asked.

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