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LINK 12 House Republicans Voted For Prescription Drugs Bill | Insider

Amaizing that it's considered a major bipartisan win when 12 Republicans vote their conscience. The other 193 voted against the Democrats. That's they're "Piece Of Shit Republicans" Here are the lesser pieces of shit:

Rep. Don Bacon NE
Rep. Brian Fitzpatrick PA
Rep. Andy Harris MD
Rep. Jaime Herrera Beutler WA
Rep. Richard Hudson NC
Rep. John Katko NY
Rep. Nicole Malliotakis NY
Rep. Daniel Meuser PA
Rep. Mariannette Miller-Meeks IA
Rep. Bill Posey of Florida
Rep. Christopher Smith NJ
Rep. Fred Upton MI

barjoe 9 Apr 1

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Wow! A little split is better than no split at all.


The real problem is that most people are far more interested in their football or basketball game. Yes they will complain about prices but won't get off their dead ends and do anything about it.

What are they supposed to do about it?

The problem is not that they will get off their dead ends. The problem is that they are accepting money from the pharmaceutical companies and wouldn't dare Go against them

@barjoe go vote for candidates that will actually work for them instead of the millionaire bosses.

@Barnie2years @Oldman51 I do vote that way. Blaming people for watching sports doesn't mean they are in their "dead end", not does it make them responsible for the exorbitant price of pharmaceuticals. Victims are not responsible whether they follow sports or not.

@barjoe only guessing, but I think he meant the public sit on their couches watching sports when they have the opportunity to vote the Republican scum out. When participation rates are only in the 30% or less range, you don’t get change.

@barjoe Can the ass holes make sure they don't get reelected.

@barjoe Most of the voting public can't name their so called representatives but can name their favorite sports star and tell you their stats.that is what is wrong with this country,

@Oldman51 I'm glad you know what most people do. Some people who stormed the capital refuse to watch NFL because players take a knee in protest to police violence. With all due respect, you really don't know everything about what's wrong with this country. People are allowed to have interests outside of politics, doesn't mean they are stupid or ill informed.


Must have a close opponent running against them…

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