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Is anyone else sick and tired of all the Superhero movies?

I remember thirty five years ago how I loved the movie Superman starring Christopjher Reeves and Margot Kidder. They didn't have all the CGI effects back then. Now CGI seems to be the biggest part of a Superhero movie. The only one I have liked in the past ten years is Deadpool. It had a great story and Ryan Reynolds has a fun personality.

ebdb 7 Apr 25

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I'm not sick of them. I like them but haven't kept up with watching them as they come out in theaters.


Nope, for those of us who petitioned for decent superhero movies since the late 60's, and were constantly disappointed (with a few notable exceptions) by cheap jack, TV movies made by people who never read a comic book in their lives..... This is a golden age.


Oh, perhaps I should give then another go then, there are quite a lot loaded up by my flatmate.



RonB Level 5 Apr 25, 2018

Yes! If I don't have my own personal super power by now, I'm completely out of sync.


Completely tired. Also tired of Star Wars.

newsflash: Disney owns Star Wars and Marvel. Paid over 10 billion dollars for both franchises. They need to get their money's worth. So, just stop feeding the mouse.

Here are two articles I wrote about this

Star Wars Is Dead, Gen-Xers, Get Over It


Why the Future of Science Fiction will be in the Clouds



I’m pretty tired of it


I agree with you, but the one recent exception, for me, was 'Logan'. I loved the fact that they were only formerly superheroes, old and declining in their powers .... and with no loud colourful tunics! Oh, and not a great deal of CGI.


I just watched Justice League today and could hardly pay attention. I also have fond memories of the Christopher Reeves Superman.


the movie industry is just turning into mini-series of films now. black panther i thought was a big pile of crap


With the Advent of Black Panther a childhood interest is revived!


I'm sick of vampire and zombie movies.


I've stopped watching them. I watched Despicable Me 3 over Wonderwoman the other night. Like you I enjoyed Deadpool though and will probably watch Black Panther if I get the chance. Hancock however I watch regularly, it's great.


I only watch the one that have Wolverine in it. Can't tell you the names or the plot because i only watch the scenes with Wolverine. He is one fine hero. Oh yes, I also like the blue chick. Same series, right!


I enjoy most genres of movies -- superhero movies as well. I grew up where the action movies were westerns, WWII, and gangster movies. I consider movies to reflect attitudes of the masses -- so as to get more money -- which doesn't bother me. I would change your question into "What does the rise of superhero movies reflect in our (US) society?"


Strangely, as an 85 year old man, prefer chick flicks...blockbusters are a waste of time for me..a total waste of money...most recent, tho a story about abused women...WIND RIVER...AWESOME


I read comix as a child then Real Life took over and showed me "Real Heroes". Dont do the super hero shit. But I recognize I am not the Target Audience. My last try at working lasted two weeks because it was a company that promoted a super hero environment and to treat the job as a playpen. When asked who my super hero was? After much thought I said.... My Son, he is an Air Force Veteran, volunteered for security duty in Afghanistan, bought his house without a partner and when I have a crisis he took me in... he is 6'4", handsome and dances with a Dance Company in Vegas, He is a network engineer and have a lot of Future ahead of him and wears no cape or tights. His job is to chase hackers... And his taste in women is as good as mine. They didnt liked what I said ... neither that after the Big Boss introduced himself as a fan of movies like Gladiator and Braveheart. I told him that he was a man that liked Men with Skirts. I could be Acid, at my Age, I earned that right!!! Cant watch anything with a superhero. Not even black panther... despite the story.... It is Fantasy, no different than Cinderella.... 'Sorry!


I imagine you can find someone sick and tired of any type of movie. That's kind of the standard operation procedure for capitalism in general: if something becomes popular, everyone jump on the band wagon and do it to death.


I often wonder if it is religious folks who most like superhero movies. I sure don't. Why not have a superhero movie where God dresses up and is violent?


I like most of the MCU superhero movies. There are only maybe 2-3 good Fox-owned Marvel movies, imo. DC movies have been hit and miss over the last 30 years. Overall, I'm fine with them just like any other genre of movie. I don't see the genres I don't like or care about, but other people might like them; and that's ok.


I like the Marvel movies for the most part. Some do take themselves too seriously which intrudes on the fantasy/escape and is tiring. Now there are so many movies and tv shows(my kids watch) that leads me to care less about them. When I was a kid there was so much less to choose from so when a movie was released it felt like a special event.

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