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Political Blindness

I am sorry but just looking at the past 67 years the Republicans stopped doing the best for the people with Ike as president. Since then their approach has been to reduce regulations that support the middle and poor classes to gain a little more profit for themselves. Corporations hate pollution controls and the rules that require safe working conditions for their workers because it costs them money .I have worked for three major corporations in management and was required to enforce programs that were not in the best interests of the employees. Lack of doing so cost me one job.
This year alone we have seen major actions against the environment, animals,health,pensions,social security,wall street National Parks,religion,personal freedoms,free press and speech.Yet the people that put these people in power do not recognize the damage they have done. These people mainly voted on single item issues ie guns,abortions,religion totally without regard for the bigger issues like health , regulations that protect the people in finances, personal freedoms,environment, etc.
Other than Ike the republicans have always left office with an economy that requires fixing and then blames the Dems for spending money on it's repair It is always the same people voting against their own self interests that put these people in place. the reps always vote against innovation yet use it in any recovery. They always avoid putting in place the new methods except when it comes to saving labor. Robots, software etc have replaced many workers Yet these same workers vote for them.

We need to communicate better how they are working against their own self interests now. 2018 isn't far away..

Marine 8 Dec 4

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...Not to mention that every Republican president since Ford has gotten us into a war (or 'Police Action', which is just a fancy thing to call war when you don't want the public to get upset)...

These wars leave unpaid bills left to Dems to pay and then get ranked over for paying!


I agree.

gearl Level 8 Dec 5, 2017

Well said!


Here in Australia it is compulsary to vote. When you front up at the polling station you must have your name crossed off on the polling list. Then you can vote. If you don't vote on the day you get a fine notice in the post. I think it's $Aus50. I hear that in the US of A voting is not compulsory. I wonder what the outcome would have been in your last Federal Election if it was.

Good question. I suspect our recent presidential election would not have been much different, perhaps even worse (the crazy may have actually gotten the most votes!). When I’m made aware of a consistent non-voter, it appears I’m looking at someone even dumber than the average ‘republican.’ I’ll think to myself - do we really want someone like that making wild guesses alone in the booth..?

I think the results would have been very different. Most people who are eligible to vote but stay home are of a more left wing bent. Republicans actually try to discourage voter turnout, because the more people who vote the less likely the right wing will win... in most regions anyway.


You are right. The Republican party has entirely lost its moral core and legitimacy and it is amazing and appalling that so many people have bought their crap. But, I am actually somewhat heartened. The actions of the Republicans in the past couple of years has gotten so bad that more and more people can't sto0mach their treachery , fraud, and greed.

Not to mention that the 'Party of Christian values' (as they like to refer to themselves) gave us a Republican candidate who is the poster child for 6 of the 7 Deadly Sins...


You’ve got it, and I think a key point remains those ‘single issue voters.’ I live on an island of intelligence surrounded by the red sea of ignorance… For decades these people have been bombarded by wrong-wing propaganda, feeding their fears and ignorance. On top of that - a multitude of churches promoting the same.. If confronted by someone like us, you can watch their gears churn in fear & anger … before reciting some ‘single issue’ that’s apparently allowed them to trash their morals and support a candidate best described as the incarnation of their ‘Satin.’

And, their vote cancels out the best of us.... Those who, like yourself, have not only been paying attention - but keeping score! And in the end, we all lose … except for that microscopic few at the tippy top.. who feel their superiority is validated by the obvious ignorance of the masses… Republican = Dirt - period ~

Varn Level 8 Dec 4, 2017

"single issue" voters are a problem. I honestly think that we must hold up to public view the fact that in their blind pursuit of that one issue, they are doing damage to our people and country -- and shame them for it. Some will eventually peel away. Some others will simply shut up rather than face the flack. The rest -- ignore as much as we an.

Yeah, there are single issue voters who really foul things up for everyone else. They distract people with "gun rights", "gay rights", and gays. Then when elected they don't do anything, at lest nothign that will stand up to court scrutiny, so they will be able to get the single issue voters to vote for them in future elections... and in the meant time they rig the economy so that hard working peopel can't get a break, let alone get ahead.


The problem is they simply don't listen.

I tried to point out to my brother, who lives in Kansas, that under the tax bill just passed, he wont' be able to deduct repairs if another tornado comes through and takes out his house and/or out buildings again (his out buildings and chicken coop were taken out by a tornado and it alao did minor damage to his home.). He also has student loans, which I pointed out he will no longer be able to deduct the interest from them under the new bill, and he can expect hsi insurance rates to go up as the mandate to buy insurance under Obamacare will no longer be there to spread the risks evenly, so any savings he might get are mor ethan eaten up by other costs which he didn't have before. He doesn't really care (or understand... he's not the brightest bulb). All he cares about is that not one democrat voted for the tax bill.

...god, I guess it could be worse … I’ve 3 siblings ..and at least we’re all on the same political page ~

I have 2 daughters and 3 grown grandchildren still in Kansas. I'm proud to say that , while I always gave them the freedom to make their own choices. they are all a chip off the old block politically and theologically/


I atttribute anyone who voted for trump-as having limited education, social values of discrimination and bigotry and false view of MAGA-Make America Great Again. Only 33% of the country feels this way and rest assured they are going to be voted out of office come November. Thank whatever.

Or just plain evil...

Yeah, my brother mentioned above barely graduated from high school with less than a "C" average. Nbody mistakes him for beign all that smart.


From what I've seen in some Town Hall type interviews, I don't know if it's possible to get some of them to change their minds.
For instance, there are some Republican voters who will never, ever vote for a dem. even if they know it's the best choice.
They've gotten so used to saying "no" to anything a dem proposes that they don't even bother to listen to what is said.

My fallback question is always: how bad does/ will it have to get before these (fill in the blank) ’s finally figure out who’s got their back! - and who’s laughing all the way to their offshore bank..?

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