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If aliens landed on Earth, would that spell the end of Earth's religions?

One of the major teachings of religions is that humans are "divine", since they were created by "God". If aliens landed on Earth, would that shatter the foundations of what religions stand for? (I should have added this to my other questions about believing in aliens, I thought of it after I posted it, though.)

chuckles 6 Dec 4

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They'll have a hard time doing improv when that happens, but they'll probably say it's part of "God's plan" and that it was foreseen by a vague/irrelevant verse in the Bible.


Nope. They'll just try to convert them.

Okay I love the thought of this. It's really sad that I can actually imagine them doing that.


I have found religious people are able to believe amazing things in the face of overwhelming evidence. Why should a few aliens cluttering up the place change that?


We better never see aliens land on earth during our lifetime. Anything that can travel light speed, that's beyond anything we could understand 500 years from now. Bend time and the universe and all that fancy stuff. Over our head 10,000 years from now. We would be nothing but a fungus to them.

Unless we are the aliens. I read an article that evolution will cause humans to have much bigger eyes due to the thinning of the ozone layer and much more exposure to the sun. Also our muscles are going to atrophy, sounds like aliens to me, right? So perhaps we will have simply found ways to travel through time, and maybe we are just coming back to check on our progress? []


Scientologists would claim the aliens. Or... Something like that.

I could see that. Ha! 🙂

They'd become the most popular religion overnight.




No, short of us being exteminated. But it would very probably change them in some way. Religion likes to claim and subvert new information that might in some way threaten the paradigm. It would do the same to the awareness of aliens. That would get written into Gawd's "revelation."

Great answer


Who knows. The aliens may have their own religions. Maybe they are all Buddhists. The foundation of organized religions is guilt, fear and that they are the only true faith. We don't need aliens to tell us that religions should be ditched - we just need to wake up and stop living in superstition. But to clarify, belief in religion is not the same discussion as belief in "God". And who knows, maybe "God" is an alien.


I think it might actually create a few more...


Well, if any aliens landed looking for resources, they'd likely wipe us out, along with our religions.

d_day Level 7 Dec 4, 2017

I was thinking maybe they might save us from ourselves? If we went full-out nuke war with say, North Korea, might they swoop down and blast the nukes? Would like to think so. For now, we'll have to wait for the movie to come out.

Goid answer.


Nope, either the earth’s religions would incorporate the aliens’ existence into their respective religious texts somehow, (use vague bible quotes as a way to make it seem like it was predicted that the alien encounter would happen)

or the earth’s religions would come up with theories on what religion the aliens like the best.

“The new life forms seem to most closely fit in with our ideology.”

“No, they obviously agree with us, the Mormons.”

Conflict would ensue no matter what the case.

Or new religions would form. Or, If the aliens were able to communicate with us in some way, their own personal ideologies might influence the existing religions.

All that aside, there will still be the large swath of people that will fail to realize that these beings are so advanced, and necessarily so, that they don’t give one iota of shit about what us primitive human think in regards to claims not backed science or some universal anguage such as mathematics.

If they did give a shit about our religions, it would only be because they wanted to take advantage of our preconceived notions cognitive dissonance in order to manipulate in some way. (Use our own religion as a subtle way brainwash us into some larger goal of the aliens)


No when one door closes another one opens they'll call it a test and add it in the bible 12.3.1 in stores eventually


Nope. People are just way too indoctrinated to give their beliefs up.


I think you underestimate the persistence of religious zealots.

It would become an entirely new field for religious types; attempting to evangelize the aliens, arguing where they fit in to the great scheme of "God's Creation", trying to decide whether they had ever suffered from Original Sin (since they presumably never came from Eden)...

The ability of religion to use cognitive dissonance and fit new scientific facts alongside 6000-year-old mythology never ceases to astound me. Someone would even be sure to say that they were a lost tribe of Israel, created and then cast out beyond the Land of Nod. That's it... east of Eden is where the sun rises... so when they wandered east of Eden, they went into SPACE!

Suddenly I want to watch Mel Brooks' "History of the World Part 1", just to see "Jews In Space" again...


I wouldn't be surprised if the aliens were substituted as angels then the aliens would enslave all the believers and eradicate the rest. We'd be goners. 😛

Betty Level 8 Dec 4, 2017

Right angle or obtuse ones?


Found it and fixed it. Thank you. 🙂

The Angles that lived around the Saxons ?????

yes, that sounds like 'the rapture' and all that, the second coming, the antichrist, 666 etc...??


Dean Koontz wrote a novel about an alien influence — I don't recall the name of the book — and a Catholic priest was losing his faith because of it. I always found that strange (though I attribute it to Koontz being unfamiliar with Catholic theology) because Catholics aren't fundamentalists (especially priests) and the notion that the universe was made especially for humanity isn't a Catholic teaching. So, I kind of think that religion would survive but some of the more fundamentalists in Christianity would have a hard time with it. I'm less familiar with other theologies (like Hinduism) to be sure how others might react.

Dean Koontz rocks! "Phantoms" was da bomb!

@chuckles: "Phantoms" was the first story I read of his. It was really good. His writing can be a little shallow sometimes, but overall I enjoy his works. He gets a lot of hate, but I've never understood why.

I've only seen the movie, and a few others of his. I don't read much these days, spent too much time in front of computer screens, it's tough on the eyes.


I reckon of Aliens arrived on Earth, the religious leaders would be queuing up to adore them saying "welcome home (insert name of prophet), we have been waiting for you !!"


I mean if this god person did exist, why would he have stopped with this planet? God could have created life on multiple planets and guided them all in their own ways... what I could easily see people saying.
Then they'd just be looking at the aliens' religious scripture as a spin-off series of their own scripture.

Ariel Level 4 Dec 5, 2017

Some of them believe there were flying chariots at Jesus birth so they would just fall back on that .


Of course, there are a lot of possible scenarios. Would probably depend on what the aliens bring to us. Would religions merge, or be overwhelmed? Or new ones evolve? (whoops, there's that e word again.) Hopefully, it will all be peaceful! We'll see, maybe...many interesting comments, thanks to all!!!


Good question. I doubt it. They’d likely scurry off to their religious sanctuaries and pray for… there not to be Aliens!

Varn Level 8 Dec 4, 2017

Unless the Aliens actually rebuke the religious beliefs of our superstitious fellow homosapiens, then I suspect that they'll simply reinterpret their religious dogma to compensate for this new discovery.

"Ah ha! My [insert fairytale book] predicted the coming of the Aliens, it just so happens that I've discovered the proper interpretation. Take that you filthy atheist!!"


There'd just be a crop of new ones.


The Pope believes that aliens are our savors.
I hope he is right, something has to save us from the greedy.

I hadn't heard that about the pope...

Not only that, dogs go to heaven.

The Pope believes in evolution and the Big Bang started the Universe and get this,... Hell does not exist.

Don't believe me, check it out for yourself.

They don't want Aliens being more probable than Yahweh or the church could be less popular.

Can't live in heaven without your most loyal best friend. So get your alien and dog Baptist.

Yeah I heard that the Vatican has already covered their arse by saying that God is so great that it wouldn't limit itself by just creating man.

Makes me wonder, if God is a frog. Because aliens often look like amphibian when spotted

One little step on land and giant leap into space.


Much of the illegal Aliens are already Catholic. What a cluster fu**.


I think the mere knowledge that aliens existed on a distant planet would have profound consequences for religions and the religious. Many would just refuse to believe that this discovery was real and continue with their delusions. The same would be true if but a few alien explorers arrived it would be considered "Fake News" by many and they would continue. If aliens arrived in force it is likely that religious belief would increase as our futile defences collapsed and we were being annihilated.


if humans are wiped out yes. if not no.

mzee Level 7 Dec 4, 2017

I believe it would definitely cause many people to question their beliefs. And the ones who already questions the Bible and most major religions will most likely stop believing in God

I think that a visit by aliens would probably cause a heightened sense of fear in religious people with a consequential reinforcement of beliefs.

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