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LINK These companies will help staff in red states bypass abortion bans - CNN

New York CNN Business —

Millions of women in more than 25 states face an abortion ban if the Supreme Court overturns Roe v. Wade, the landmark 1973 decision that legalized the procedure nationwide. For many of those women, employers’ benefit packages may be the only way they can soon afford a legal abortion.

Amazon became the latest corporation to cover employees’ travel costs to seek abortion care. The company told staff it would pay up to $4,000 in travel expenses annually for medical treatments including abortions, according to a message seen by Reuters. An Amazon spokesperson confirmed the nature of the Reuters report to CNN Business.

The company’s announcement echoes similar moves by Citigroup, Yelp, Uber and Lyft to help employees bypass Republican-led efforts in several states to effectively ban abortion. And it comes just hours after a bombshell report by Politico indicated the Supreme Court is prepared to overturn Roe v. Wade.

snytiger6 9 May 4

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Just applied for & was granted a Citibank card, so I can order more stuff from Amazon with 5% back!!!!


Cheaper than paid parental leave and newborn absenteeism. Always looking out for the bottom line, but at least it shows some guts…until the states come after them like DeSatan did with Disney.

Yeah, I doubt the decision(s) are all that altruistic. It costs companies less money if employees get abortions instead of have children.


Good for Amazon to care about it's female employees. That should help with over population problem of this planet.

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