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"I want a world where the democrats will put somebody up there worth voting for!"

~ Lt. Frank Drebin

WilliamCharles 8 May 4

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Actually doing something, would be too displeasing to their donor class...


Sadly accurate.


I fully agree. Biden was not worth my vote but I gave negative vote against Trump like millions did. Biden was the second worst and most turn off candidate after Dukakis.

I came from a third world country and now think we had better leaders than Biden.


Pretty much.

Ding, ding, ding! You got it! They are completely corrupt and complicit with the Repubs, because they are owned and funded by pretty much the same people and corporations. That's why it's all Kabuki theater and also like pro-wrestling. Every battle is planned, staged, and choreographed in advance. And afterwards, when the media and the rubes are out of earshot, like the pro wrestlers, the pols party behind closed doors and share a laugh and some drinks about how they fooled the rube voters and peasants... But if you try telling this to most Dem voters, they will see you as crazy, as if you were telling a very young child there is no Santa or Easter Bunny, because they can't stand to think differently. Realizing for the first time or considering the idea that the Dems don't actually care about peasants like them or have any intention of fighting for them is too existentially frightening and devastating to them, kind of like initially recognizing there is no God or that their parents cannot protect them from everything, all of those are things everyone wants to initially deny, because it's too frightening or painful. So it's easier to just get mad at the messenger or label them as crazy, etc.......

Much harder to accept the reality that in the status quo we are almost all powerless, helpless peasants ruled by oligarchs who will never really be free until we revolt in massive numbers, either in the streets or by voting out both major parties, and that, either way, there will likely have to be a great amount of death and violence for us to overthrow the oligarchs. Most people are too timid to even consider those truths....


That cartoon pretty much sums it up for me. We’re doomed.

We're certainly doomed as long as we depend on the two major parties to save us or help us. And even with most of us suddenly voting in a third party, the odds of success without violent revolution are long, as the ruling class will not give up power peacefully, and there is no certainty the majority of Americans supporting a revolution would still even win against the rich, well-armed minority.. I am not optimistic that we would not have to also fight the vast majority of the cops and military as well.

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