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Some Thoughts vis-a-vis Republicans


In January 2021, a group of wingnuts (and some rioters, too) tried to prevent the almost-entirely-ceremonial confirmation of Joe Biden as the winner of the 2020 election, and, hence, the next President of the United States. By regurgitating the endless stream of lies from their party's leader, Donald Trump, these Congressional wingnuts had primed their followers to believe that their candidate had actually won the election. They were assisted by their followers' utter lack of knowledge about the Constitution and complete ignorance of how this whole "vote-counting thing" (i.e., "an election" ) works. Also egging them on was a cadre of professional ignoramuses masquerading as experts, who not only repeated Trump's lies, but gave him new ones to repeat and pretend were his own. They also brought along a mythical sea monster, which remains mythical to this day, since it was never "unleashed".

Long story short, the law-&-order-supporting insurrectionists managed to cause the death of a police officer, and managed to get four of their own number killed (or "martyred", as Trump would have it), as well as doing thousands of dollars in damage to the Capitol and taking a shit on the Constitution- I'm sorry, taking a shit on House Leader Pelosi's desk.

In the aftermath, once the rioters were finally expelled and order restored, a large number of these Congressional Republicans completely forgot the panicked phone calls they had been making to the White House a few hours earlier, begging for Trump to do anything to quell his followers, and promptly glued their lips back onto his ass.

Their leadership, amazingly, managed to find the testicular fortitude to actually criticize Trump and say out loud (at least, out loud in private) that he bore responsibility for the insurrection by his all-out contesting of an election which he lost, by a lot, and his constant stream of lies that the election had been "stolen". But within days, their gonads had once again retracted up inside their abdominal cavities, with a sucking sound heard on Fox affiliates nationwide, and they went back to their Trump-approved lies that he was the victim of a conspiracy involving pretty much everybody in the world which, nevertheless, went undetected by every investigating body ever, including Trump's own Attorney General. (Well, obviously they were all in on it! For reasons!!)

As it stands, roughly 70% of Republican voters still believe that the election was invalid. They also express doubts about any future election, except, presumably, for those their side wins.

From all this, and over many years of study and reflection, I've concluded-

Republican voters want to be lied to. They, like any of us, find information which confirms their own worldview comforting; but, unlike rational people, they would rather hear a comforting lie than accept a truth that they dislike. If 70% of Democrats had insisted that the 2016 election was rigged in favor of Trump, Republican would have rightly mocked them. But when their own candidate loses, suddenly reality becomes subjective. Politics, for Republicans, is a religion- and no amount of facts can shake their faith.

I'm not sure what to do with this conclusion, since I don't know how to present truth as a lie in a way that Republicans would accept. They are clearly invested in living in their own fictional world. I don't know how to bring them back.

Paul4747 8 May 5

Enjoy being online again!

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Yes, we live in a post-truth world. And by the very nature of that fact, it cannot be undone. How can you prove to someone who doesn't believe in facts what the truth is, try to present them with facts? There's nothing to do. We're doomed.


Make sure you and your allies outvote them.


(From post) "If 70% of Democrats had insisted that the 2016 election was rigged in favor of Trump, Republican would have rightly mocked them."

Here's What We Know So Far About Russia's 2016 Meddling


Not sure what point you're making.

Russia did try (and possibly succeed) helping Trump win, but that's not saying the election itself- the actual vote counting- was fraudulent. Trump won the Electoral vote, I don't think anyone disputes that, even while he lost the popular vote (which he also lies about, claiming it was illegal votes that were against him).

@Paul4747 I don't disagree, meaning I expect the 2016 election was conducted fairly, notwithstanding gerrymandering and other baked-in advantages. The Russians dispersed messaging on social media, and this activity is understood to have provided an illegal advantage. Trump's campaign had 100 contacts with the Russian government, per the Mueller Report. So, the 2016 election WAS rigged in favor of Trump, and Republican mocking for believing that would be wrong as usual.

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