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LINK But God Didn’t Say That: Religious Community Members Talk God and Abortion - YouTube

A review from religious experts about abortion and what holy texts actually say.

snytiger6 9 May 6

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Separation of church and state, baby! Who gives a rat’s ass what the Torah or the Bible or the Koran say? It’s irrelevant. USA is not a theocracy and fewer Americans believe in the fairy tales than ever before.

The Abrahamic religions which are represented here teach that women are second class servants to men and that their bodily functions, i.e menstruation and childbirth are unclean punishments from their imaginary sky daddy who allegedly created humans in his likeness. This story which is obviously made up to justify the subjugation of women and has been used to that end for hundreds of years has no bearing on women’s right to privacy and access to health care. I’m heartily sick of hearing them asked to weigh in when it is not relevant!


Thanks, Samantha!


The problem with the bible is that, by cherry-picking or 'interpretation', it can be claimed to support almost any position.

The same bible that slave-owners used to 'prove' that god supported and endorsed slavery is now declared to be a book demanding freedom.


People tend to hear what they want to hear, see what they want to see.

I'm so glad to hear even the Catholic admit that no mention of abortion is made in the Bible, and that the Church's stance was developed by a bunch of "celibate" men, a patriarchy with no personal experience in matters of reproduction.

If the polls are correct, a sizeable majority of Americans think that abortion should be legal. So sending the decision back to the states will kick off spirited debates all over the country. Republicans stand to lose a lot of state legislatures and governorships. This could be a game changer.

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