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LINK House Approves $40B In Aid For Ukraine; 57 Republicans Vote No

These 57 In The GOP Stand With Vladimir Putin

Jodey Arrington of Texas
Brian Babin of Texas
Jim Banks of Indiana
Andy Biggs of Arizona
Gus Bilirakis of Florida
Dan Bishop of North Carolina
Lauren Boebert of Colorado
Ken Buck of Colorado
Tim Burchett of Tennessee
Kat Cammack of Florida
Madison Cawthorn of N Carolina
Michael Cloud of Texas
Andrew Clyde of Georgia
James Comer of Kentucky
Warren Davidson of Ohio
Scott DesJarlais of Tennessee
Byron Donalds of Florida
Jeff Duncan of South Carolina
Ron Estes of Kansas
Russa Fulcher of Indiana
Matt Gaetz of Florida
Bob Gibbs of Ohio
Louie Gohmert of Texas
Bob Good of Virginia
Paul Gosar of Arizona
Garret Graves of Louisiana
Marjorie Taylor Greene of Georgia
Diana Harshbarger of Tennessee
Vicky Hartzler of Missouri
Kevin Hern of Oklahoma
Yvette Herrell of New Mexico
Jody Hice of Georgia
Clay Higgins of Louisiana
Bill Huizenga of Michigan
Ronny Jackson of Texas
Mike Johnson of Louisiana
Jim Jordan of Ohio
Debbie Lesko of Arizona
Billy Long of Missouri
Tracey Mann of Kansas
Thomas Massie of Kentucky
Brian Mast of Florida
Mary Miller of Illinois
Barry Moore of Alabama
Troy Nehls of Texas
Ralph Norman of South Carolina
Scott Perry of Pennsylvania
John Rose of Tennessee
Matthew Rosendale of Montana
Chip Roy of Texas
Pete Sessions of Texas
Greg Steube of Florida
Tom Tiffany of Wisconsin
Jeff Van Drew of New Jersey
Beth Van Duyne of Texas
Bruce Westerman of Arkansas
Roger Williams of Texas

barjoe 9 May 11

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One thing you can say about Oklahoma politicians, they're Hawks. One of our reps did vote no and that actually surprises me.


Some sadly all-too-familiar idiots on this list.....


You have to admit that $40 billion would go a long way toward helping Americans who are struggling right here at home. If we are are all in for Ukraine, why aren't we giving them what they're actually going to need to win - boots on the ground?


Every failure in the political system reflects a failure in the educational system.

skado Level 9 May 11, 2022
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