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Do you have a BFF=Best Friend Forever?
Tell me why this person is your BFF?

I use to have a BFF many years ago but i am now a bit of a loner and a bit anti social. I am trying to change!!!

twshield 8 Dec 5

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I did but I didn't want people who believe in satan around my kids if and when I had any.


I desire becoming someonesBFF. LOL


I did have a BFF until he became an ultra-religious evangelical and such an extreme right winger on political and economic issues. After 50 years, continuing contact and dialogue became too painful. He was no longer the reasoning, intelligent, and caring person I used to know -- and it hurt to see that.

To add a point. I am not a loner -- have more than a few good neighbors and friends whom I appreciate. but few I would consider real "soul0mates."


I have my girlfriend Terri in NJ. She has stood by me through all my trials and tribulations since the 70s. She knows me like a book and vica versa. She and her husband Joe have been there for me especially when I was sick. I love their friendship. Makes me stronger.

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