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I hate to squash anyone's delusion here. But that said at least one delusion has already been squashed and that's likely why you're here in the first place. I've read time and again people posting about vote for this or against that. Fact is you take everyone on this entire site and have them not cast a vote or cast the same vote in a federal election and it won't make a damn bit of difference. A person is seriously delusional if they think in the good ole US of A that there federal vote will count for anything. On the slim chance you live in a state that matters and in a county that matters maybe your vote will matter. You're better off paying a politician money and staying home on election day as you're likely to get more results from it. The wealthy have figured that one out.

I get that politics takes minds off the daily mundane grind of each of our lives and we can bitch and moan and pretend our voices are heard and that we make a difference in the world with our vote but my take is if you feel that way you're quite simply delusional. Even on the slim chance your vote did matter, will the politician you voted for matter in the scheme of things? You know what changed for me when Carter, Reagan, Bush Sr, Clinton, Bush Jr, Obama, Trump, or Biden became president? I paid a little more or less for this or that. Your vote didn't prevent a war, it didn't start a war. It's like cheering at a sporting event. Yah, we won! Feels great doesn't it? For about a day or two. Heck maybe even your cheering helped your team win. Hardly changed your life or anyone else's.

Don't be a Debbie Downer, you say? Who sounds like a delusional religious idiot now? Keep up the whining, bitching moaning, cheering and voting. It's not going to change anything for me or the majority of Americans. Watch, listen, read "the news" and react accordingly to the propaganda you're fed. Do something that matters in your community or family if you really want to make a difference.

In the grand scheme of things this post is completely irrelevant anyway. I suppose I should do as I ask others to do and that is ask yourself if what you are saying or doing makes a damn bit of difference or if it's just a bunch of nothing. "Hope and change?" Yeah, that worked. "Make America great again?" Uh huh. How about "Fucks and shits and why I don't have any"

FvckY0u 8 June 12

Enjoy being online again!

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I hear you, and you are right and realistic when it comes to federal elections, because these days both parties are so bought off by big money that it really doesn't matter much who controls DC. Because Wall Street, corporate America, the rich, and the MIC win every time, no matter which major party comes out on top. What does matter tho, is people continuing to share their opinions with each other wherever and whenever possible, outside of the corporate media, because that is the only chance we still may have of getting out of our stranglehold of the duopoly. We still have the collective ability, tho it's very unlikely to happen, of collectively waking up and voting out the two major parties from power in DC. I am very pessimistic of it happening soon enough to save our country, much less happening in my lifetime, but that doesn't mean I will quit advocating for it.


I could go on all day and night as to why this post is the essence of the most clever authoritarian propaganda designed to destroy democracy I think any dictator would be proud of. It's also the most juvenile, immature rebellious tripe I've ever read an arrested pseudo-intellectual adolescent spout. You take "freedom of speech" to a whole new lower level of wasted opportunity and malicious intent. I would say grow the F up but it might be wasted. You'll likely spend the rest of your life enamored with yourself and the damage you can do to society by way of telling everyone they don't matter.

@darren316 "ask yourself if what you are saying or doing makes a damn bit of difference or if it's just a bunch of nothing." - Your words. Until you apply them to yourself, you have no right to ask anyone else to.

@darren316 I haven't even visited facebook in years, and I was only talking to you who seems to speak for everyone else. If you think they can think for themselves, you don't act like it, but I think it's more like you're pandering. That you also speak in terms of manipulating people, I think you just gave yourself away. Besides all that, you posed the question in the first place. How ironic but not surprising that you can't keep track of your own double-talk.


I would've said exactly the same thing. You got here first.


@darren316 what's your motivation for this? Did some woman reject you because of politics?

@darren316 Yet you didn't answer either of his questions...


Aaaahhh, the first "don't bother to vote it makes no difference" post of this election year (for me anyway).
TOTAL BS & Exactly how we got Drump.



Nobody wants to read a wall of words.


I do not have a "serious mental defect." That was mean. Insulting members is against community guidelines.

The delete key is your friend.

@darren316 Okay, I don't want to read a wall of words either, alright? You side-stepped her point too. You can't address what other people say other than to pick it apart on a technicality or something. Like I said, pseudo-intellectual. And "work to become a better person."? Massively condescending and quite the ego you have. You might need a break from reading your own stuff, playing with words and try listening to others for a change.


Illinois. One of the 30 or so states where that delusion is reasonable.

For me it's not reasonable. I live in one of the 20 or so mostly western states whose voters have the direct initiative, referendum and recall. We can make laws; we can repeal laws our legislators have made; we can remove people from the offices to which we elected them. We can also amend the state constitution; two decades ago, after our legislators behaved badly, we limited their terms.

If you like, go to [] and search on illinois ballot measures.

Illinois voters can amend the state constitution, but that's like using a twenty-pound sledge hammer when a tack hammer can do the job.

People not from Illinois can enter their state's name and "ballot measures"


Every person is a multi-faceted, contradictory creature. We all have things that interest us, and pursue multiple ideas and trains of thought. Being a human being, we have desires tour thoughts.o engage in contacts and dialog with others. We have burning issues which we wish to express and get feedback on. We also have things which upset us and stick in our craws. That is why we engage in the conduct you criticize.

I am not on the site to whine about religion. I am long past that and most of the people on this site think similarly.

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