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What was the reason your last romantic relationship ended?

My first wife told me she wasn't happy and she left over twenty one years ago.

ebdb 7 Apr 26

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I discovered she was an alcoholic (very well concealed, and high functioning). I was in love, so offered my support, for a long time. She denied she had a problem. For a long time. In the end, I gave her an ultimatum - admit you have a problem, seek help, and I’ll do whatever it takes to help and support you. If you don’t do that, we’re done.

Ultimatum day came, I asked, and she denied. Told her we were done, and that was that.


My partner wanted a child and i had two, a girl and a boy, then had an ectopic pregnancy which blew my fallopian tubes to smithereens. We parted amicably so he could have babies. We met up many years later at a festival called the elephant fair and he was separated with two children -but I didn't want a relationship then, I had come to enjoy my own life very much and had no plans to share it.


I dated someone about 90 minutes away. I did all the traveling back and forth, she wasn't willing to put an effort to share in the travel to be together. After 6 months I felt I was being taken for granted and just lost the interest.


However my first post is misleading, in that my wife and I had a 53 year marriage, good, solid, because we talked, understood, and had 'friends." It ended with her dying from lung cancer 12 years yet somehow I still feel married...<3

If this was on Facebook, I would like it, but with a heart.


At some point, he decided that I wasn't on his team any longer. I wasn't his partner with whom he could work through things. I was an obstacle that needed to be worked around. So, to avoid even the vaguest hint of unpleasantness, he lied to me regularly about major things in our lives. And then he began drinking ...

vita Level 7 Apr 27, 2018

I think a better adjective might be "damaged." He was sexually abused as a child and deals with anxiety and depression as a result. He's also immature; a failure to launch kind of guy. The alcohol is definitely self-medication.


To be blunt, cancer has deprived me of an erection..plain and simple, can't make love the way she wanted...

I'm so sorry. 😟 This happened to my late husband. Taxol If I'm remembering correctly gave him such horrible neuropathy it fried him from the waist down. 😟 😟 😟 We had "cancer sex" once after treatment 8 months(?) into Dx. "I didn't know I could do that, he said". Hard to say if he really enjoyed it but I could definitely tell his body had changed "down there". 😟
Still I loved him to pieces and wouldn't have dreamed of leaving him over it if he'd survived.

@Chefedone 3 months ago I would've agreed with your menopause assessment but it's not entirely true. Women can also become ravenous during the change. It's happening to me right now. I'll be 55 this fall.


It really never ended, was kind of postponed... to be resumed at another time


I went to my daughter's out of state wedding , and he volunteered to watch my cats. About a month later, I could tell he was acting very cool towards me. He later told me he decided he didn't like cats.......after 8 months of dating. I think it was more, but he didn't have the balls to be honest and tell me.


She had a substance abuse problem.


My now ex fiance aaid she just wasn't in love anymore. She had recently started a new job and was notably on her phone more often. Gut says she wanted to be able to date again. Begged her to work it out since we have a daughter together and I still loved her. No dice ?


The daughter was a complete little bitch and the woman who I did care a lot for was insecure because her father sexually and mentally abused her.

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