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USA trains troops in warfare but can't train them to keep their legs together or penises out of vaginas & semen out of fertile wombs.

Pentagon weighs in on abortions []
Keep your legs together girls & don't let yourself be raped.

FrayedBear 9 June 25

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Keep woman out of the military and it won’t be an issue

Nah. Just castrate all the blokes.

. . .

Now that may stop wars?


Do you seriously believe your comment is humorous? And do you believe that any amount of military training is sufficient to overcome the second most powerful biological drive? And when it comes to females who serve in uniform as I did, how do you think your advice that “girls” should keep their legs together and not allow themselves to be raped would play?

He's a vile motherfucker when it comes to abortion. Believes some of the most ridiculous, offensive, and stupid shit imaginable.

I hadn't realised that you are female.

As I frequently say "I try not to be stupid¹" and "if you can't do the time & look after the baby to adulthood, don't do the crime and certainly do not compound it with the murder of the foetus".


These are Cipolla's five fundamental laws of stupidity:

1. Always and inevitably everyone underestimates the number of stupid individuals in circulation.
2. The probability that a certain person (will) be stupid is independent of any other characteristic of that person.
3. A stupid person is a person who causes losses to another person or to a group of persons while himself deriving no gain and even possibly incurring losses.
4. Non-stupid people always underestimate the damaging power of stupid individuals. In particular non-stupid people constantly forget that at all times and places and under any circumstances to deal and/or associate with stupid people always turns out to be a costly mistake.
5. A stupid person is the most dangerous type of person.

Corollary: a stupid person is more dangerous than a pillager.

@ChestRockfield you obviously "Believes some of the most ridiculous, offensive, and stupid shit imaginable" regarding abortion & right to murder sentient human beings. You're probably American & doing it all the time around the world with your arrogant disruption of other 95% of the world population's lives. Just look at what you've done in Ukraine, Syria, Afghanistan, Iraq, Vietnam, Cambodia, Korea, Japan, Philippines, Chile and a host of other countries invaded by you just since 1945.
Since independence it is far greater in number.

Things I wish for you and people like you:

  1. One or more of your family members gets raped and impregnated by another of your family members and is forced to carry that baby to term.
  2. One of your family members is forced to carry a baby they don't want and it kills them.
  3. One of your family members is forced to carry to term an anencephalic fetus.
  4. One of your family members gets raped and impregnated by a stranger, is forced to carry it to term, and then is sued by the rapist who wins shared custody.
  5. All of the women you know find out what a disgusting piece of shit you are and they all disown you and never talk to you again.

@FrayedBear I served in uniform, as do the females you are belittling. Your position on abortion is based on a definition of life that comes from religion, and your oft used Cipolla quote is a non-sequitur in this context.

@p-nullifidian I suggest that "serving in uniform" is nothing to be particularly proud of. When in uniform you are not particularly treated as a human being & certainly not taught how to behave humanely.

In your own country just look at the high incidence of homelessness amongst vets & inability to operate in civilian life which is proof of my statement.

Before some people wishing to control others invented religion a social structure & code developed that included behaviours designed to enable peaceful harmonious living not constant warfare and bickering.

The right to life is one of those codes.

Your desire for convenient absolution for your narcissistic sexual activities through artificial abortion will not gain you respect in any intelligent person's mind.

Regarding Cipolla's laws on stupidity¹: I suggest that a corollary to his laws is - "Invariably stupid people fail to understand what an intelligent person does".

NB. I was not raised in the Roman Catholic religion & certainly was not exposed to its controlling humbug.

@FrayedBear “When in uniform you are not particularly treated as a human being & certainly not taught how to behave humanely.”
Was this your experience when you served? It most certainly was not mine.

“[A]bsolution for narcissistic sexual activities[?]”
These are the words of a religious, sexually repressed prude.

@p-nullifidian you represent what %age of world military?
Were you US or IDF?

@FrayedBear US Air Force, active duty and reserves.

@p-nullifidian You therefore represent only a small proprtion of worldwide military. Do you have evidence to back your claim "It most certainly was not mine." applies worldwide & to all branches of US & foreign military?

@FrayedBear You said that service members are not taught how to behave humanely. Nothing could be further from the truth. However, as is sometimes the case, there are those who ignore their training, and behave otherwise. In the case of Abu Ghraib, clearly the military alone were not responsible, but that does not absolve the behavior of anyone in that scenario! I abhor what was done at Abu Ghraib, and the conditions that precluded it.

But this discussion is somewhat off-topic from our original one: the right of a woman to control whether or not she carries a pregnancy to term. I think both you and I might agree that, considering how men have treated women over the millennia, we don’t have the same moral standing in determining what rights they should have as they themselves do?

@p-nullifidian In which case you agree that it's ok for Ukrainian fascist Jews & cronies to genocidally kill Russian speaking Ukrainians in the Donbass because with American help after they ran a coup to install an American leaning fascist government? - "the right of a woman to control whether or not she carries a pregnancy to term".

I couldn't give a fig for what happened in the past. 2 wrongs do not make a right. A male & a female were needed to conceive, both parties knew the consequence of what they were doing. Let them both take the responsibility.

And please don't bring out the old claptrap of incest & rape - a very small minority of all pregnancies.

You are advocating for a group of selfish stupid people.

@FrayedBear “You are advocating for a group of selfish stupid people.”

Have you no shame? Your misogyny would appear to know no bounds. According to the Pew Research Center, women in this country favor the right to an abortion by nearly a 2:1 margin (63% to 35%). So I am advocating for the majority of American women.

If you’re going to fling insults and accuse others of stupidity, I suggest you take a long look in the mirror.

@p-nullifidian I refer to the fact that the majority of pregnancies terminated are not caused by incest & rape. They are caused by selfish stupid people who couldn't be bothered to plan pregnancy.

You are saying that the majority of American women are murderous psycopaths who do not want to take responsibility for their lives & that you support them.

No wonder your country is so fucked up & the example that it exhibits to the world is so despised.

@FrayedBear I’m sorry my friend but your irrational insolence and incomprehensible, incoherent incivility has warranted my first ever block.

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