Too funny! But I have no faith in Merrick Garland, or the Dems, having the balls to make it happen...
I know you don't, and I understand why you feel that way. We in this country have a really bad record of holding powerful people to account. But this time it might he different. I hope I'm not Charlie Brown and the Select Committee is not Lucy and Cheato's indictment/conviction is not the proverbial football.
@Flyingsaucesir I hope I'm wrong, but I've seen this movie too many times, like with Medicare 4 All that the Dems ended up trading for Obamacare. Lucy is always there to take away the football from poor Charlie Brown. I won't fall for it anymore. It's all an act, like pro wrestling, when it comes to the Dems and Repubs on anything that involves their corporate donors, powerful people or the rich...
@TomMcGiverin Ahhh, well, Medicare for all was never going to happen under Obama. Not because he didn't want it, but because there just never were the Republican votes for it. But Obama did get the next best thing, or at least something good passed, and now 14 million people who didn't have health insurance AT ALL now have it. It's a big deal.
We are both old enough to remember Tricky Dicky resigning the presidency. That was a first. What Cheato did is far worse and is also a first, and we are seeing the evidence of his guilt in these hearings. Stay tuned. Done Cheato will be indicted.
@Flyingsaucesir Have to respectfully disagree with you on Obama, Med4All, and on Trump ever being indicted by Garland. I have already argued on these boards many times about Obama and how we got cheated out of single payer by Obama and the corporate Dems in congress, not by just the Repubs. I agree with you that what Trump did is far worse than Nixon, but those days are gone and now the Dems are pussies and the Repubs are the only party that plays hardball against the other major party to get what they want. Back then, most Repubs pols also had a conscience and would put country ahead of party, those days are gone too.
@TomMcGiverin The ACA passed the Senate 60-39, which was the minimum required. There had to be Republican votes. No Republicans were ever going to sign on to Medicare for all. Not ever. If you think that they ever were you are living in a fantasy world.
As for indicting Cheato, frankly I think you are too pessimistic. Time will tell. Stay tuned.
That chant against Hillary was pure projection on his part. She should visit him at his cell to smirk and admire his orange jumpsuit. Then she should leave after laughing at him saying how fun it is to have freedom to do what she wants.
I like your sentiment, but I am pretty sure Trump will never see prison. The system is too corrupt, and so is AG Garland and the Dems. I would just about bet the house on it that it will never happen. These pols take care of each other when it comes to being punished for political crimes.