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LINK Is the Biden administration REALLY trying to "promote atheism worldwide"? - YouTube

The latest republican propaganda... It's all lies.

snytiger6 9 July 6

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This should actually say, "Is the Republican party trying to promote atheism worldwide?" To which the answer is no, the answer is "Fundamentalist Christianity." Now lets talk about that.


Now we have to listen to this shit for a couple of weeks until they come up with something else that is BS.


Christians and Muslims can suck the cold hard steel of my gun's barrel. It has a certain Wessonality.


Because Biden is such a well known Atheist, don’t you know! 😂


It is a lie, I'd have a lot more respect for Joe if he did promote worldwide atheism, but he's a Cathloholic.
And the people lying about it are babbling fucking idiots that think Christianity is the solution when it's THE FUCKING problem.


Yeahhhh, if only .... Especially since the Christian Taliban High Court has given the green light to my atheist tax dollars funding religious (Christian) schools ....

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