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This post is in regards to gun control but first I'm going to talk about abortion.

I seem to recall that many years ago women seeking abortions in certain areas of the country had to sit through watching disturbing videos and pictures of aborted fetuses. Maybe they didn't HAVE to sit through it and it was just something some did. I really don't recall and I don't want to out anyone by them commenting on this specific subject.

But this brings to mind the thought that perhaps those that apply for a license to obtain a firearm be subjected to sitting through a class or whatever watching videos and pictures of people being killed by firearms as well as stories related to it.

Yeah, I get it, won't do a god damn bit of good but if women are subjected to this abortion shit shouldn't gun owners be subjected to the same sort of shit?

FvckY0u 8 July 6

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Maybe if they introduced measures like enforced waiting periods, mandatory counseling that includes the link between guns and mass shootings or suicides, severely restrict the number of places that sell guns so you have to travel a long way to get one (and travel back after the waiting period), and only allow guns to be sold by properly licensed and trained professionals who are also responsible for checking the buyer is suitably trained with involvement by a mental health professional at a late stage of the purchase.

Maybe some sort of law that makes a gun seller partially culpable in any crime committed with that gun unless they can prove they took reasonable precautions to vet (critically examine) the buyer.

Oh yes, and a $10,000 reward for anyone suing a person who helped someone buy a gun irresponsibly.


I totally agree, but it would never happen in the patriarchy of the USA, because most gun owners are men, and we wouldn't want to offend or inconvenience them. Guns and toxic masculinity are sacred, so we can't mess with either of those sacred cows. But what do I know, I'm just a wacko socialist who believes that if we are going to force women to carry unwanted pregnancies, we need to spread the suffering and responsibility for those pregnancies by also requiring the responsible male to get snipped with a vasectomy, so he can't knock up some other woman who doesn't want a baby. I mean, it takes two to tango and he has already proved too irresponsible to use a condom, so why should he get to breed again? Let's make punishment for bad choices an equal opportunity thing for both genders if they screw up.... Better yet, let's stay the fuck out of other people's sex lives...


Great idea. And make it a Federal requirement.


Not the same at all...the gun scenes you speak of would No Doubt be like kiddy porn to pedophiles for some of these gun wackos

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