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I never did give much credence to what the pope said but the current pope seems to be a left leaning piece of shit. John Paul the second the Polish Pope was probably the best one as he understood that communism/socialism didn’t work.


Good description of the lie that is Trickle Down Economics, which in reality is the rich pissing down on the poor and middle classes. The only thing that comes out of the glass is the urine of the rich raining down on the poor and middle classes.


So you don't take the Pope's advice on religion, but you do take his advice on economics?
What are his credentials in economics?
If you look at the empirical data, after significant tax cuts, unemployment hits new lows.
Check out the unemployment rate at the end of Reagan's term, and 3 years into Trump's term just before the Covid pandemic.


BD66 Level 8 July 12, 2022

@ErichZannIII The economy was a hell of a lot better under Trump and Reagan than it is now.

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