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I have a question. I went out for pizza with a friend and two other women who I didn't know but are her friends. The ladies asked for ranch dressing. Waitress looked at them funny and brought two cups out. They were dipping the pizza in the ranch. We are in Philly, her two friends are from Arizona. They were also shocked that this place doesn't offer pineapple (thank goodness). What planet are these people from? This is the best pizza place ever imo. Has anybody else on here ever heard of dipping pizza in ranch?! These girls would've done it with pineapple if they could've. Unbelievable! What a violation! I felt like crawling under the table. Is this becoming a thing?

barjoe 9 July 14

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The best pizza place I have experienced is a Place in Missoula, Montana called Sharifs. They had great pizza which they cut into smaller square pieces. I tried to find the place and it seemsthey are no longer there.
Here in Astoria, there is Fultano's, their pizza is alright, but the place in Warrenton is a little better. They have regulars and I used to be one and they made a pizza that was great for everyone to try.

You need to go to NYC and have a real slice. Pizza isn't supposed to be cut in squares, it has to look like this πŸ•. Forgive my ignorance. Where is Astoria?

@barjoe I agree with you on the shape; the place cut their pieces that way, so I mentioned it.
To get to Astoria, go to Portland, Oregon, and then walk, ride, take a bus, or call me, and I will come and get you and go as far west as you can. When your toes are wet from the Pacific Ocean, turn around and face north, go as far as you can without getting wet, and then turn east and go about ten miles.
The most north and west city is Hammond, then as you come east, you get to Warrenton, a large block of land laid out for use during WW2. You then have to cross Young's Bay, and you are in Astoria.
Bring binoculars to view all the wildlife if you are in the area. If you are driving, pay attention to the elk, they do not always cross the road where their crossing signs are. They do not read. Neither do the deer.

@dalefvictor Sounds beautiful. The inner city is a shithole compared to some of the beauty in this country, or even places within Philly. We've got busting food tho.


Maybe they confused pizza with wings.


There is no accounting for taste. Literally AND figuratively, in this case.


Don't be such a martinet. Lighten up...

I have no idea what a martinet is, but of it means there's a right way and a wrong way, that's me.


I see people dip their pizza in ranch dressing -- usually because the pizza is flavorless. I've had pizza that needed something, but I've never resorted to dipping it in ranch.

Pineapple most definitely belongs on a pizza, at least in Hawaii!

I disagree about pineapple. Maybe Spam. That's very Hawaiian.

@barjoe When we've got a lot of pineapple, we tend to put it on everything. Today it's bananas for me. I've got too many bananas. πŸ™‚

@Julie808 Must be beautiful. I hate to say it but my city is pretty much a shithole

@barjoe No, I'd better not, haha!


I've heard of dipping breadsticks and french fries in ranch dressing though not pizza. I might dip my pizza in marinara sauce but I'll reserve the ranch dressing for hotwings.


Ranch dressing would ruin a good pizza for me. I like sweet peppers on mine. I also would never dip my wings in Bleu cheese dressing. Ick! If it has mold on it, it's not edible, imo.

I like crushed pepper seeds.

@barjoe I put those on pizza sometimes, along with garlic powder and oregano.

@Organist1 When I get a slice, they have all that on the side along with parmesan in a shaker.

@barjoe That's good too!


I’m afraid I’m a bit of a pizza purist….if they don’t put it on top in Campania then it doesn’t belong on it! Pineapple, and Mayo or Ranch dressing would probably make a Neapolitan shudder …me too I’m afraid! I know Italian immigrants on the East Coast of the USA …around NewYork & New Jersey in particular, we’re the first ones to make Italian Pizza popular …from there it’s popularity grew and spread around the world…but in my opinion it’s still best eaten outdoors in a rough and ready family-run restaurant on the Amalfi coast accompanied by a nice chianti…and not a pineapple or ranch dip in sight!

I've had "Neopolitan" pizza, made in Philly if course. It's good but I prefer Brooklyn style. I'd love to try pizza in Italy, go to Rome and Naples for the real deal.

@barjoe That’s what I was talking about…it takes some beating eating it where it originated.


doesn't sound very tasty to me, of course my main expectation of pizza is that it's round.

There's square pizza as well. "Sicilian" thick crust and Detroit pizza, thicker even. If you like cheesy bread it's okay.

@barjoe I just prefer the NY round I reckon. the Chicago is tasty tho.


I’ve dipped pizza in Ranch already. My oldest grandson put Ranch dressing on everything! And it is really good for making the crust taste better.

Maybe for Domino's or Little Caesar's. There is good pizza in Lancaster and the crust doesn't need a mayonnaisy dip. I would never do that to a pizza.

@barjoe each their own!


I try to no judge other people's taste in pizza, as long as they are willing to eat it and not force it on me, or try to convert me to their tastes. I'll try it once, but if i don't like it, never again, but if I do, I've just opened up a new door. Anyone that believes that theirs is the one true way to enjoy pizza, needs to reevaluate their position.

I will draw the line at eating it with a knife and fork, that is just way too uppity.

I disagree. There's some things that just aren't proper. What is this world coming to? You're from Texas. They probably give you ranch on the side by default with pizza down there. Stick to Tex-Mex or BBQ. People need to stay in their lane.

@barjoe Thar's an extremely rude thing to say, I have seen what people in your neck of the woods call cajun food and boy are they off, but if that's what you want to eat, I have no problem with it, just don't serve it to me. Don't assume I'm originally from Texas just because I live here now. I have been in many countries and in 49 of the 50 states.

I don't know of anything I would put ranch on, but enlighten me as to what you would mess up with it.

@glennlab I'm sorry Glenn. I was only kidding. I didn't mean to be nasty to you. Sorry.


Where I live, people dip their pizza in ranch or French dressing sometimes. I have done it, and it's not terrible, but I would only do it with sub-par pizza. My former husband was fond of pizza with ham and pineapple on it, which I thought was awful. My favorite toppings are any kind of meat EXCEPT ham, mushrooms, and black olives.

Deb57 Level 8 July 14, 2022

🚫 🍍 πŸ• Ranch is for salad. Blue cheese dressing is better but people with weenie pallets prefer ranch. πŸš«πŸ• I remember when they came out with Hidden Valley Ranch when I was a kid. It was an envelope of powder my mom used to add buttermilk they had a carafe with a lid and you'd shake it. It's salad dressing. Not for pizza.


It's been a thing forever. I lived in California for five years and I was appalled at the thought of ham and pineapple pizza. I'm from Chicago. Where its sausage or pepperoni. And if you're in Chicago don't even THINK of putting catsup on a hot dog πŸ™‚

I was in Chicago, they love their pizza. They have deep dish and "NY Style" The better deep dish pizza had double crust. It's more like lasagna. Only a 4 year old puts ketchup on a hot dog.

You're right. It has been around for a while


That seems to be a thing here in Texas too. My granddaughters dip their pizza in Ranch dressing and so do their friends. I think it’s Sacrilegious myself!! 🀣🀣

I think Domino's & Pizza Hut started this. Maybe Chuck E Cheese. I went to visit my buddy in Jacksonville FL and he ordered Papa John. I asked him 'can't you get better pizza than that?' he told me no, he can't. Do maybe people dip because the pizza sucks so bad in their region they have to do something.

@barjoe I believe you hit the nail on the head! Papa John and a few of the others you mentioned have some of the worst pizza I have ever put in my mouth. I would never willingly eat any of them again. πŸ˜‰

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