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LINK Starting today Americans can dial '988' to access suicide hotline, mental health resources

Let the grumbling about POTUS Joe start, I guess. (whiny voice) "He's not doing enough for US!"

rainmanjr 8 July 16

Enjoy being online again!

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Who puts so much effort into keeping people alive?

They’re meddling. What’s in it for them?


Will police come to where you are?

IDK but would think that's a possibility. Don't call if help isn't actually wanted. If it saves 8 and 2 are bothered by privacy issues then I think it's working but that's me.


Question is, do they make you identify yourself...

Probably a way to find out who the caller is. Most want to be identified so that's not a concern, for me. Why would a person call if they want to be successful?

@rainmanjr Maybe they just don't want anyone to know and they'd rather suffer in silence.

@ChestRockfield Sure (though I still ask why call at all if they don't want help). This is obviously a catastrophe and POTUS Joe should be removed immediately. Immediately! /s

@rainmanjr What if they want help but are afraid an involuntary commitment would result in some really negative outcomes?

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