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Term limits

What do you think would be a reasonable term limit for the Senate and Congress?

Unity 8 July 27

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Eight to ten years maybe??


I honestly don't think it matters. If the elected official is amazing then you're doing yourself a disservice my forcing them to retire (and also now paying benefits to yet another person who ultimately takes their place). If they're bad, but keep getting elected, it's an indication that the electorate in their district/state is full of stupid people that will continue to elect assholes anyway, so you're still likely to have someone shitty in office no matter what (plus, again, paying more benefits).

Interesting point of view. It does make you wonder about the people that are continuously electing them.

@Unity Ted Cruz is the most universally fuckin' hated person in the Senate (maybe the State, country, or world for all we know). Al Franken's running joke was, "I like Ted Cruz more than most of my other colleagues like Ted Cruz. And I hate Ted Cruz." Yet he won his Senate race in Texas twice and would have been the republican nominee in '16 were it not for Trump. He's a pile of shit, but Republicans by and large are piles of shit, so he gets their votes. So if an area has a majority of shitty people, a shitty person like Cruz will be elected, and if he can't run, another shitty person will take his place collecting shitty people's shitty votes.

But, C, tell us how you really feel !!! 😄


I would also like to see a ten year limit for SC justices.


I think 12 is good also, and I think there should be a good long period after that they would have to wait before being hired as a lobbyist- maybe 10 years.

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