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How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?

Self-aware 3 Aug 1

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I've pondered this for decades.


None, they do not chuck wood.


If he could why would he?

Maybe the woodchuck could help a beaver build a dam with chucked wood ?


There is no answer because a woodchuck doesn't actually chuck wood. It burrows, thus displaces dirt, a maximum of 700 pounds a day


A woodchuck would chuck two full cords of wood.

@Gwendolyn2018 page six, paragraph three.


A woodchuck would chuck as much wood as a woodchuck could chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood


You ask the wrong crowd, we have on the one hand a population that considers wood so rare and valuable that they can hardly let go of their wood, and on the other hand a population that finds wood so common that in the once instance we know of state police found the wood beside the road and sewed it back on.
It's just wood, build a fire.


Hello and welcome, enjoy the site.

Sorry but.

She says, she sell seas shells on the sea shore, seeking sea shells and selling sea shells leaves no time to chuck wood.

A seashell-selling woodchuck does not obviate the statement a woodchuck is capable of chucking wood. That woodchucks neither sell seashells OR chuck wood means the individual(s) so stating are Republicans.

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