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Republicans revel in cruelty.
It all makes sense now.

GrooshStar 7 Aug 2

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Seriously???? No democrat party?


Are their constituents this daft? Are Republicans incapable of seeing this proctological ramrod from their favorite Senators against vets?

It’s times like these that make me wish we had a draft. Perhaps if these assholes (who have the temerity to it call themselves senators) had sons and daughters serving in uniform and who were exposed to toxic burn pits, they might be a little less calloused and downright vile! As much as I despise royalty, at least the Brits send their princes into war zones and don’t whine about it! These modern day Republicans are little more than sniveling little pansies!

Trust me, having a draft would not be enough. Because back during the Vietnam War, the sons of senators and congressmen, as well as children of the rich, always managed to avoid the draft, with deferments of one type or another, or, in the case of George Bush, Jr., W., as he was known during his presidency, the politician would find a way to hide them out in the National Guard or some other sort of duty to avoid actually being sent to war. They always stayed stateside, safe and sound. And so, even if there were a draft today, the kids of rich or politically-connected people would never serve in a war zone or be in harm's way. The classic rock group, Creedence Clearwater Revival, even had a hit song about it back during the Vietnam War era, Fortunate Son, which I call The Ballad Of George W. .....

And yes, their constituents are daft, as they are easily fooled by politicians and don't see the hypocrisy by their leaders, as long as their leaders wrap themselves in the flag and say all the right "'patriotic" things.


Great article

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