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Here is a list of 50 misheard lyrics in songs. I dedicate this to @glennlab. My mother used to insist that the song "Arizona" was singing "Harry's doughnuts." 🍩


Beowulfsfriend 9 Aug 5

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That's like those old hymn characters, Gladly the Cross-Eyed Bear, and Round John Virgin


Stevie Winwoods' "Iron Lung"


I called my mother mom Momanesa because of the song Mona Lisa.


I always heard the Rascal's,"You and me endlessly" as "You and me and Leslie"... I was baffled, who IS Leslie? A future child, a heretofore unmentioned love child, the unicorn in a threesome. Actually, mine has more depth and challenges the status quo.


Not misheard but misunderstood. When I was a child, I used to hate the hymn. "There is a green hill far away. " Because the next line went. "Without a city wall." Which I thought was just stupid, (A tautology, though I did not know that word then either.) because I did not understand the old outdated usage of "without" to mean 'outside of' or 'near to', I only knew the modern usage meaning 'lacking'. And I would think. "Well that is stupid, if it was a green hill it would not have a city wall would it, hills with city walls have houses on them."

Now I know though, that Blake, who wrote it, lived in an age when it was well known that the hill of the crucifixion, just like all the hills around Jerusalem, was barren and stony. And that the "green hill", was just a pompous pretentious metaphor, trying to associate Christ's death with spring, growth and rebirth etc. Yuck Christians ! So I still hate that hymn, even more than the rest.


Some of those are pretty far-fetched, but some have been misunderstood for years.

I always thought my mom hearing Harry's doughnuts was pretty far fetched.

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