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My daughter-in-law just asked me to have a discussion with my nine year old grandson about religion. She is nominally Xtian, but has doubts. My son is an atheist. Her relatives are gung-ho Xtians and her brother is a pastor. She wants someone who can discuss religion with him and be non-biased and who is knowledgeable about many religions.

That's me--he already knows that I do not believe in a god, but I would never push non-belief on him.

While we were discussing this, my grandson said, "Grandma, if there is an afterlife, I WANT you to haunt me."

OK--if there is an afterlife, I will.

Gwendolyn2018 9 Aug 16

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That is the best "things kids say" story, I heard in a long time.


Your daughter-in-law sounds like a wonderful parent.

MizJ Level 8 Aug 16, 2022
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