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Colorado Baker Who Refused to Make Gay Couple’s Cake Faces Another anti-LGBT Allegation

I'm wondering if I am reading something on this article correctly. To introduce the subject: "Jack Phillips, the baker from Colorado who shot into infamy after he went to U.S. Supreme Court for his refusal to bake a wedding cake to be served in a gay wedding, is now back in court." This time "it is discrimination towards Autumn Scardina, a Denver attorney, as she identifies as transgender. Masterpiece Cakeshop refused to bake the cake when Scardina informed them of her intention to celebrate her male to female transition."

That. Is pretty much understandable. What I am not certain about is the following: "The court ruled the Colorado Commission exhibited anti-religious bias when it gave its approval to Phillips’ refusing to bake the cake. The argument was that prosecuting a religious man means violating the First Amendment rights of the baker."

I imagine the case hinges on the fact that the SCOTUS ruled in favor of the baker the first time around and the State of Colorado is now seen as repeating their earlier 'mistake' with this new case that the state is allowing to proceed. It sounds like they are saying that prosecuting a religious man is religious persecution.

RussRAB 8 Aug 24

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I heard the Court ruled for the baker due to remarks the Commission’s members made.

This article didn't mention that aspect of the previous case. It would make sense that the judge in the current case might not dismiss this one if th last one was ruled on technicalities.


Anybody who's that obsessed with being anti-LGBTQ is probably a closet case. Fuck that guy and his stupid cakes. So everybody knows the guy won't bake a gay cake, prolly because it'll trigger his latent homosexuality. Just take your business elsewhere.

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