On one of the other threads there's a bit of a discussion about swearing going on. I'm curious; do any words make your skin crawl? That you just can't find within yourself to say?
That you despise others saying it?
Now, I'm going to preface this with I personally don't condone swearing around children or in openly public places.
But other than that, there's only one word I really don't like in and of itself. Racial slurs are also not in my vocab.
So take the poll. If you have more than one or a different one (or many), comment below.
This sentence might make your skin crawl. “While still in my panties, I vomited from my jowls a chunky curd of phlegm that was dripping with roaches, maggots and mucus and gurgled a moist egg yolk while I blogged about it.” Googling "what makes your skin crawl" actually brings up more than a few articles on the subject.
Racial slurs...mmmm they are only words that have power negatively if you allow them to...I loved watching chris rock back in the day and he constantly says the N word...and gets applauded and praised...but if a white person even remotely says it they are called racist? Words only have power if they are given power..
Failing that they resort to a big stick?
Spending a lot of time online and in the gaming community, I find myself numb to most words. With that said, racial slurs are the only thing that will get me to think twice. Overall though I feel like any word is fair game, as long you don't go saying them to who or whatever the word implies.
There are few words on my list as swearing does not really bother me. However, it can be overdone; and, I agree, around children, it should be kept in check. Racial slurs are certainly not acceptable and top my list; but the swear word I absolutely abhor is the C word--whether it is used toward a man or a woman.
Hmmm... I don't like saying things that are directly pointed to a group or a person that would hurt them. Even things like he or she is to tall or to big or to short or to skinny and so on. Hurting labels annoy me.