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Three questions

How many active members are there here, what happened to, and are there any other active sites that friendly atheists can join? I saw, who says up front that they have 1663 members.

AlbertSchepis 7 Aug 26

Enjoy being online again!

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I just joined AU, and I doubt I'll be spending much time on it.
It's not particularly user friendly.

Oh well, if this site goes down, I guess I'll just spend more time on fb, pissing off the masses. That'll be fun.

I have nothing on dates with what happens to this site but I can say that Atheist Universe did not seem user friendly to me. I came here from Atheist Nexus which is gone now. I did discover they have an active FB page but I doubt it has anything to do with Richard Haynes.


Name other Atheists and Agnostic WWW sites???

Inquiring Athesist’s would like to know of them!!!


I visited that site too, and it looked like a waste of time. Didn't seem to have any real community, seemed a challenge to navigate. As far as, I bet there are currently no more than a few hundred active members by now. I would be interested in hearing about other sites for non-believers that are better than
Did go dark? I hadn't heard anything about it and never visited it.

I just tried to go to and was redirected back to this site.

@snytiger6 Yes, that appears to be all that's left of it, just a redirection.

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