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Proverbs or Sayings Anyone?

I'm not necessarily talking about Biblical proverbs here. I'm listening to Parker Millsap and he gave me the idea. So, is there a proverb or saying that you would like to change to give it better meaning, newer meaning, different? I'll go first: "Sticks and stones will break my bones but words will never hurt me".
I would change it to "Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will cut me down to size" or "sticks and stones may crack windows but words will start a fire" or how about "sticks and stones can shelter some but words will make it home"

AmelieMatisse 8 Apr 28

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I have always liked this Give a man a fish and he'll eat today. Teach a man to fish and he'll eat forever. Sorta my philosphy. Help others achieve worthy goals and the rest is taken care of

  1. It's not wether you win or lose.....It's wether I win or lose. 2. If you love something, set it free. If it comes back, it's yours forever, if it doesn't...hunt it down and kill it.

Sound bites are a big issue with me. Far too many sayings try to simplify complex issues. Unfortunately, too many of us fall victim to this ploy. I often use ones I think are apt to a certain circumstance myself. This is just a spur of the moment comment and I I think of a specific saying I will add it later.

Agree on the sound bites comment. But for me sometimes something short sticks in my head and makes me think about the meaning I am ascribing to it. It's the little nudge that starts my brain action. For instance, the whole problem of school bullying made me think of the sticks and stones saying. My guess is that it was made up but never thought out regarding the power of words so that is why I thought of posting other versions of the saying that resonated better with me

@AmelieMatisse My posts/comments are always full of sayings but after reading your post my mind went blank (sometimes I am a bit slow). I started watching an interesting video on Netflix about some young people going to work in certain slums. The first one was Nairobi and it was eye-opening. A saying popped out "A hungry man is an angry man". Another one I heard (and used) is "Happy wife, Happy life".


The only way forward is through.

Love it!

I don't remember when or where I heard it, but I've carried it with me for a long time.


"You have your way. I have my way. As for the right way, the correct way, and the only way, it does not exist." - Friedrich Nietzsche

Brilliant. I have enjoyed Nietzsche. I was disappointed that he didn't talk about the "Uberwoman# you know like Xena. LOL


I can't remember why, but as a teenager, I developed my own proverb. (Probably to defend my own eating habits; but also there is a deeper, teenage meaning in it somewhere.) The dog who eats fast often chokes, but he, himself, does not get eaten

Deep, man that is deep! And after 2 glasses of a really good Syrah, it is even deeper. Who would have thought that Parker Millsap could start this thread so well. To me he is a younger John Prine.


"It doesn't matter whether you're right or wrong as long as you state it with a note of authority."- Albert Einstein.

MikaB Level 5 Apr 28, 2018

That's what I do!!


Sticks and stones will break my bones and with the health care system in this country if l do live l will probably be in debt for the rest of my life. ?

Sort of like Humpty Dumpty who couldn't afford a doctor either

@AmelieMatisse That was a tragic story. ?

@Sticks48 indeed! I really have no desire to be an egg (head)

@AmelieMatisse You would probably just be a shell of your former self.

@Sticks48 you are quite witty

@AmelieMatisse Some people refer to it as being smartassed. ?

@Sticks48 no I don't see it that way. Smart ass is usually rude. You are just plain funny with your come backs

@AmelieMatisse You are too kind, and you have not seen some of my more terse replies.


Discover who you are.
Be honest with yourself.
Enjoy life.


Live by the sword, die by the sword


I have two--Just when you think tomorrow will never come, it's yesterday. FEEL unto others as you would have them FEEL unto you.

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