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LINK Lukoil Russia Boss Died After He 'Fell Out of Window' Following War Criticism

(More like he "fell" after being pushed or thrown out a window. Russian has both a long and recent history of killing its critics.)

A Russian energy oligarch whose oil company criticized the war in Ukraine has died falling out of a hospital window in Moscow on Thursday, state-controlled media reported.

Ravil Maganov, 67, was the chair of the board of directors of Lukoil, one of the largest energy companies in Russia.

Maganov was in Moscow's Central Clinical Hospital when he "fell out of the window" and died from his injuries, an unnamed "informed source" told Russian news agency Interfax. ...

snytiger6 9 Sep 1

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Pull out of the Ukraine and grow up Puttie.


In 1949, the same thing happened to Majic member and Secretary of Defense, James Forrestal. He supposedly committed suicide due to depression. However, he was in mid-transcription of poetry, and investigators found nail marks on the sill (as he resisted his murderers).


Falling out if windows has been occurring a lot in Russia, especially since 2020.


It's amazing how some people become so clumsy after publicly speaking out against the Putin regime.

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