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LINK Altercation: Can CNN Actually Get Worse? Apparently, It Can. - The American Prospect

Last week I referred to CNN as Fox Lite. Well they've gone full blown right. Transformation was quick. I expect Anderson Cooper and Don Lemon gone before the end of the year. Jake Tapper as well, unless he sells out and goes full blown MAGA. I would call them FoxNews Lite anymore. They are now QNN. I can't watch them anymore.

barjoe 9 Sep 5

Enjoy being online again!

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We do know, don’t we, America’s ruling class will not allow real democracy?

About twenty states have the direct initiative, referendum and recall.

In the rest, people who win elections will get offers and may become our predators.


So just like the Supreme Court, the Christian Fascist (with Putin's help) will subvert one element at a time in a long game of frog in the pot...

Pretty much.


I used to like them but as QNN I will drift away. Newsy or Reuters. France24, BBC, Deutch Welle, many in English worldwide.

Newsy is something that is now on broadcast TV as well. It's mostly factual news without the editorial content. I don't have cable but I have my ways of getting content without paying. FoxNews it unwatchable, I have to turn it off. I would switch from CNN and MSNBC. Now CNN is more dangerous than Fox. People take content on FoxNews with a grain of salt, CNN had some credibility and this propaganda sneaks up on the viewer.


I don't have cable so I never watch any news channels, but I have deleted the CNN app from my phone. I am curious to see what happens to Anderson Cooper and Don Lemon. I like them and think they would be an asset wherever they land.

dkp93 Level 8 Sep 5, 2022

I don't have cable either, er, I don't pay for cable but I watch cable TV.

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