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LINK Iran's President Abandons CNN Interview After Amanpour Declines Head Scarf Demand

Fuck you Muzz Motherfucker. Save your misogynistic Sharia law for Tehran. You can't pull that bullshit in New York City.

barjoe 9 Sep 23

Enjoy being online again!

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Bravo to Amanpour!

Some fundamentalist Protestant sects have a biblical requirement to not cut your hair. I've always wondered why they don't wear a scarf as well because the Old testament says a woman should cover her hair with a scarf unless she's cut her hair and then she's automatically a bad person.

If people want to believe that bullshit, that's their problem. Don't demand that people from other culture religious or not religious conform to their customs.

There are certain Christian sects that do require women wear their hair long and a head covering. The Amish and old order Mennonites and Brethren, certain Born Again sects. Many Orthodox Christian and Jews have rules too. Interestingly, Amish men are required to wear hats, grow beards and cannot use zippers just like the ladies. It’s all a form of mind control.


I say good for her. She is a good journalist. I've seen her wear a headscarf while overseas, but this is the West and she made a statement, the right one.

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