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Good news!!! My daughter had her PET scan today, and the oncologist already called with the report. There's been no spreading of the cancer. She said it looks like just about a 3cm lesion and she shouldn't need anything other than a hysterectomy hysterectomy. I'm so relieved!!!

JonnaBononna 7 Sep 23

Enjoy being online again!

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Awesome, I'm So Happy to hear this!...
But be aware, that Won't be the end, she needs checkups every 2 months or so, and needs a new and healthier lifestyle. most important, any suspicious pains/changes need immediate medical attention and checks.
Sadly, cancer won't go away, just can be on a leash to control. ( Usually, It's enough to guarantee a Long Life )
Experts and her Dr. will give you a detailed plan with all things you have to know.
Love her with all your being, it's another chance. ❤🥰
btw, thanks for the update, made my day.

Diaco Level 7 Sep 24, 2022

That's very good news.

My oldest daughter is recovering from brain surgery because the breast cancer escaped to other parts of her body. She is better now but has a projected 5 years more or less to live. I may do a post on this later.

Be Positive, most of these life expectancy estimates for cancer patients are pessimistic. on the other hand, every day, we have good news about new medicines and treatments.

they told us my grandma will last for 5 yrs in max, when she was 81, Today after 8 years, I feel she will be at my funeral!

@Diaco Thanks for that and I believe you are right. before long I will post my daughter's story. Doctors are good at the life expectancy thing but they still use terms like "more or less" for it.

@DenoPenno Do it, Sometime it's a wonder to see how much we have in common. sometimes a random stranger can feel and understand you more than ppl in your circle.


Wonderful! And I am also very happy to hear her doctor is a responsive person, not always the case.....

Absolutely! They are even moving her follow up with her from Wednesday to Monday to plan for treatment


Thanks for the good news update. I'm so glad it can be taken care of.


This is why I stopped worrying about things. It doesn’t change the outcome, it’s harmful to the person worrying, and tends to be contagious. So glad to hear it is a treatable cancer. A celebration should be in order for all of you!

Yep... I think I'll be cooking for 20 soon!

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