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So when is the USA invading Latvia to protect refugees from Latvian inhumanity?

In August 2021, Latvia introduced a state of emergency at the Belarus border, preventing people from seeking asylum and legalizing pushbacks. Latvia’s abuse of emergency powers escalated into acts constituting torture and other ill-treatment, arbitrary detention, and the use of intimidation and violence to force people to return “voluntarily”. While Latvia sought to keep refugees and migrants from racial or ethnic minorities out, it welcomed 35000 refugees from Ukraine.


FrayedBear 9 Oct 13

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You are confused. It is Russia that invades it's neighbors.

At it again? Lies coming out of your computer?
According to the map there are numerous areas in S.America & the Carribbean coloured in red identifying them as invaded by the USA:-


See also


You are also wrong about the Ukrainian invasion - that is a police action invasion conflagrated into full war by the USA.
And like most you fail to realise that it was the Russian Orthodox Church that invaded Ukraine.

@FrayedBear Lies coming out of my computer? Trying to confuse the subject again by citing other incursions?

Your pityful attempts to overlook Russian invasion have fooled no one. What is amazing is that you have failed to regognize your failure.

@Alienbeing #nworsa

@FrayedBear Your usual source, as usual, has no credibility.

@FrayedBear At it again. Lies coming out of your maps.

@DenoPenno not my maps. Simply one map from many independent sources that are available to anyone looking for them. Are you in denial over the actions of your nation or just another American troll?

@Alienbeing Again #nworsa

@FrayedBear You must realize that nworsa does not apply because of the absolute zero effect.


On those grounds, the US may have to invade itself first …

That would not surprise me in the least, they've tried it before.


The proof America kill America more anyone is

More Americans have died from gunshots in the last 50 years than in all of the wars in American history

America Civil war killed more than first and second world wars and the war Vietnam combined.

The Second Amendment! It says you have the right to bear arms, or the right to arm bears, whatever the hell you want to do!“ - Robin Williams.


When they made the second amendment law. Only had musket guns back then. If a man was cheating on a man's wife, He had at least a minute head start before he was shot. If your scared to death, your out of shooting range in a minute lol. Indian didn't loose a war untill the 6 shooter

@Castlepaloma and still #stupid¹ barbaric people who have not learnt from history..

@LenHazell53 "arm bears" - and a lot of Americans & several Scots bitch about my posts which are only words!

Profoundly stated. USA one if not the worst abuser of human rights. A barbaric country & people.


Like your line
Will always prefer an unpleasant truth to a comforting lie.

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