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QUESTION Mitochondria/Chloroplast Evolution Model (Non-Endosymbiosis)

The endosymbiotic theory has been widely held as the mechanism of how proto-mitochondrial organisms became the mitochondria we know today.

A professor at my undergrad had us all read this article (same as linked title):

I especially enjoyed it because the endosymbiotic relationship didn't make sense to me, but an ectosymbiotic mechanism seems more probably. They go into depth explaining how & providing support for the theory. I haven't seen it gaining much traction though. But I guess these kinds of things take time to be considered & the ideas spread.

I know it's a long read, but any thoughts/discussion is welcome.

Decieven 7 Dec 6

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Wow, flying way over my head. Give me a couple of years and I'll get back to you, ok?


Them thar is allotta big words.

So I'm not going to read the article, but I am familiar with the theory that our mitochondria used to be an enentirely separate organism.

What you're saying is the thinking on how we incorporated this other thing may be changing. Is that right?


Soooo when we were cells these other cell developed appendages to hook onto us, as opposed to getting inside us..maybe?

@Decieven I get it. I think. Very interesting.


Somewhere, a Dispensationalist Millenialist Anabaptist Evangelical Protestant Christian is going to read that and say "See? Evolutionary theory is WRONG! And you will go straight to hell if you don't believe me."

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