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God and the State

Does anyone else question the legitimacy of hierarchical structures beyond the church? Does hierarchy lead to subjugation as it automatically assumes a power imbalance? Is the hierarchical structure of the church merely a method of reinforcement of control of the citizens of a given nation-state, beyond what the law can do?

Bakunin 7 Apr 29

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Bakunin!!! I thought you were dead! Capitalist lies!!

Authority is guilty until proven innocent. Most hierarchies don't survive a critical eye.

JeffB Level 6 Apr 30, 2018

No, I don't believe that to be the case. It assumes real collusion. I do believe, however that religions of all kinds who take advantage of their tax exempt status in the US are gargantuan parasites leeching wealth and retarding the process of learning. This is, of course, beyond their base function, the controlling and manipulation of their flocks (of sheep).


No. I do not accept the premise of your question.

Please elaborate.

All governmens -- even democratic ones, will inevitably include some hierarchical structures. That is a simple inevitability not to be disparaged per se. What must be fought against is excessive and unnecessary hierarchies with too much power. . @Bakunin

@wordywalt there's no government like no government.

@Bakunin So, you are an anarchist? That is a recipe for chaos.

@wordywalt I am. But I disagree.

My point is that both government and religion are systems of control which need to be analyzed and criticized; challenged and questioned constantly. Ultimately they are both self serving. Taxes are like tithes. Wars and crusades are indistinguishable. And in most cases the vertical hierarchies so beloved to both institutions (bishop=major perhaps or colonel?) could be flattened out and run horizontally. To me there is nothing sacred about authority, be it that of god or man. You are correct when you call me an anarchist. I have been an anarchist for 36 years and an atheist for 50. Once I realized it was all just a way of controlling the masses, including me, I decided that no gods or masters were necessary to me. I resist the tyranny of the state the exact same way I resist the tyranny of the church.


Heirarchy structures are a natural result of being human. It’s biological. That said, the legitimacy of each structure must be judged individually, which I have little interest in doing.

I judge hierarchies individually to the point of my own disadvantage. Such is my hatred of authoritarian structures.

@Bakunin Hate is useless.

@indirect76 context is important. I feel societal structures are largely ineffectual and cause more harm than good. This isn't about individuals. It's about the very real oppression caused by hierarchies. My use of the word hatred is not directed at people, rather the illegitimate structures used to govern people.

@Bakunin I can appreciate that. Perhaps “hate is useless to me” would be better.


Yup. The so-called wall of separation between State & church in the USA is crumbling as we speak.. What I see is an amalgamation of the two: elected officials bolstering the religious entities having helped elect them … though not supposed to have mixed politics with their religion … in order to keep their tax exempt status … which is further ignored with the election of the religiously linked corrupt politician/s…

Varn Level 8 Apr 30, 2018
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