This is the problem when you put a total scum bag in the government. Any subsequent wrongdoing by the opposition looks like very small beer in comparison.
The Reps will try and make a big deal out of Hunter but I can tell you precisely what it will show. Firstly, (big surprise) Hunter has/had a severe substance abuse problem. Secondly, he used his name to get a job he was not really qualified for. Thirdly, as investigations already conducted have concluded, he came very close to courting his father's influence regarding that job but arguably he did not cross the line. Last but not least, the Reps will spend an inordinate amount of congresses time trying to make a case out of this and it will look like petty revenge (which it is). Meanwhile, non-MAGA stalwart Rep voters will wonder why their representatives are wasting time persecuting a guy who obviously has problems with everything else going on in the country.
Okay, let us say hypothetically that you DO find evidence that Hunter and his dad DID cross the line. I am not a fan of whataboutism but no matter the rights or wrongs of it, Hunter and his dad look like a speeding ticket next to a crime spree in comparison to Trump's + his family's long long list of criminal wrongdoings. If you think this is going to be the magic bullet that busts the whole democratic party wide open, think again. Perhaps it might be an idea for the GOP to sit down together and formulate some kind of (any kind of) actual policies to put before the voting public. Btw owning the libs and culture wars are NOT policies.