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LINK Marjorie Taylor Greene Says She Could’ve Led a Better Armed Insurrection on Jan. 6

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) seems to think the Jan. 6 insurrection was not adequately planned. In her view, it needed more guns to get the job done—and Greene at the helm to help organize it. “I want to tell you something,” she told attendees at the New York Young Republicans Club gala on Saturday night, according to the New York Post. “If Steve Bannon and I had organized that, we would have won. Not to mention, we would’ve been armed.” Her ill-advised and legally precarious attempt at a joke was made to a crowd full of conservative A-listers, including presidential son Donald Trump, Jr.; suspended lawyer Rudy Giuliani; and Roger Stone, all of whom share the position of being in past legal jeopardy due to Donald Trump. Greene, who was honored by the club, was followed by Trump Jr., who made jokes at the expense of Hunter Biden.

snytiger6 9 Dec 12

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MTG took an oath to uphold the Constitution. Her words show her true colors. She's a treasonous bitch.

I make the strongest possible objection to the DOJ failing to indict those members of Congress who can be readily shown to have violated their oaths by participating in an attempted insurrection. They should have been discharged years ago (and in prison).

@racocn8 The bar for conviction is high. Perhaps they don't have proof beyond a reasonable doubt. What have we really got on her besides her annoying and unpatriotic rhetoric?

@silverotter11, @dennopeno, @glennlab, @michele666gar, @snytiger6

Rep. Mikie Sherrill, D-N.J., has said she saw “members of Congress who had groups coming through the Capitol ... a reconnaissance for the next day.”

In some reporting, MTG was one of them, but this was later denied. However, elements of what happened have been "sanitized" and "revised" to fit the script. The interception of militia with long guns was reported by a congressmember, but discussion of this episode was apparently banned. Only the CIA can suppress news reporting like that. Sherill's account may have also been 'disavowed'. Later reporting could only validate congressman Barry Loudermilk as giving a tour. Not likely. We'll never know for sure.

"One such difference, Greene recounts in her new book, includes a handful of Republicans who were armed with concealed weapons during the riot. As Greene writes, while Democrats "were simply going crazy," Republicans were "ready to be good guys with guns" in the chance that a threat reached the House floor." Yet MTG fully supports the intent of Jan 6 insurrectionists in other actions (per her fealty to Trump). She was armed because she knew what was coming and either hoped to protect herself or to aid the coup. That she knew what was coming and did nothing to stop it makes her part of it.


"ill advised and legally precarious" is right. Still, got to give her her props, the Jan 6 insurrection made the Beer Hall Putsch look good. It was an amateurish badly planned coup attempt. Saying it could have been better planned and executed isn't wrong.


The Jan. 6 Committee has produced evidence that guns WERE in the possession of the militias invading the Capitol building to enact Trump's coup. Again, published reports immediately after Jan 6 documented that people with long guns were intercepted inside the Capitol building. As MTG did help organize the coup, she is bullshitting as usual.


"Escobar: I was in the last group to leave the gallery, along with Mikie Sherrill, because Pramila Jayapal was using a cane and we stayed behind to make sure she got out safe. I don’t remember there being a police officer there to escort us out. As we descended the stairs, going from the third floor to the second, I turned and saw men with long guns facedown on the floor and officers surrounding them with drawn guns. The men on the ground were looking right at us. It was just awful..."


Greene wants to go to prison or nut house really badly. Clearly she doesn't give a damn about what comes out of her mouth.


Back in saner days, the repucks would have censored her at the very least.

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